just watched lei yu at vic hall. hahas.
was a nice show. lols.
it was a show about "mix relationship".
a guy was in love with his own stepmother.but broke up with her after he realise he hab make a serious mistakes.
den he was with his maid.
his younger brother also like tat gal lots.
although he knew abt it but he doesnt take any action.
after that the whole story starts.
it was known that this gal and the guy were actually brother and sister.
same mother but different father.
after the gal know abt this,she ran out of the guy's hus and was struck by lighting together with the guys younger brother.
after that, the guy also shot himself.
Stepmother gone crazy and the gal's mum has lost her memory and wasn't aware of wat is going around her.
the whole thing end.
it's hard to say the whole story in words.
i really think this is a very good show!..lols..
end here..
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
plain and simple day..wake up, brush my teeth den went to skol. "finish" up my homework. lols. today is significant cos phy scolded mi. does that count as scold? i think she was jus pissed off with mi. lols. anyways, our relationship is getting from bad to worst, so i think that makes the whole thing worsten. hmm.. anything else i got to say? i dont think so. just hope tat someone can tell mi wats true and fake. i mean, do forever love and forever friends exsist?not sure. but i would choose it believe both. and would wish the fall in love with my prince like how cinderella does.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
- just came back from maths camp.before this lots of things happened.
- saw min with another gal, den pretend not to see mi and walk away.
- equal to BREAK.
- i wish him all the best, and curse him not to hab any galfriend.FLIRT.
- friday went back home to take clothes from the 2 day one nite camp.
- feel very excited.
- first game, treasure hunt.Needa find as mani cards as we can and solve the questions on the card.my grp got last cos we onli find two cards and couldn't answer any of it. sad.
- evening, study. grp study.
- mi and pearlyn can't stop talking man. laugh laugh laugh. talk talk talk. lols.
- quite fun.
- hab dinner.phy, dean, lene, LSM, rebecca and a few more,came to join us after their award presentation.
- gather at AVA room and proceed to comp lab to study in heymath.net
- 1hr later, went to play game. memory game.
- we are suppose to memorise 8 letters printed on the paper.pass the paper to the judge, and start hoping on the letters around the floor. the grp tat score the highest will get something.
- first round all the grps clear with 5 points accept yensen. he didn't memorise well. so tat's it. continue my grp got second last. sumin step on the wrong letter. winner ish grp five. hahas.
- Supper time!..cookies and milo. i onli ate the cookies.. lols. is so so so nice but the milo is damn concentrated. so sweet. so i didn't drink.
- watched Mr Toh to make us animals. lols.
- rebecca got turtle.
- Phy-Rabbit.
- Pearlyn-Rat.
- Julene-Pig.
- i wanted a dog or cat. but i got nothing.
- SAD.
- we went to bathe at around 10 plus going 11.
- change up and went to slp.
- next day got up at 6. wash up and went to report.
- ran 2 runs and walk one round.
- hab breadfast, bathe, and return gym mats.
- things went on "smoothly".
- den go home.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
didn't slp well the whole nite.keep turning here, flipping dere. lols. think is due to the whether bahs. got a headache but is not as serious compared to PHY's. SHE'S DYING.. hahas. i think she wont be cuming tml. not sure. see how things go bahs. met jere after sch to do homework together. actually, we also never study lars. keep chatting and listening to songs(two onli)..yeps. from the two hrs i spend with him, i can see how bad his temper is.. lols. just finish preparing my physic file. didn't hab the mood to online. just feel like blogging. hahas..suddenly attract to this stuff again. tml having photo taking section. which means needa bring the bad uni and everything dere.INCLUDING shoe. hahs.. look forward to it..but still hab to stay back after tat. mus watch SHE DIAO YING XIONG ZHUAN. wonder anybody got the VCD. i needa watch. if not hab to stay back on wed to watch. POOR MI. lols. end here lo.. gonna slp soon.
Monday, September 18, 2006
ish so late now. eye lid dropping. actually today morning got show to watch de. but suddenly no more. lols. MR ANG change his mind, dont wanna give my friend public canning. lols. hmmm..should be a good thing bah. but he still suffer the canning. lols. today in skol mind in a blank. can't do anything properly. recess eat tibits, lunch ate sandwiches. lols. diet meals. now chatting with shogun, hah cheng and baby. lols. so sian. tml still needa hand in chinese compo, english compre(not yet done), A maths worksheet, bio homework and having chem test. lols. all havent do!..SAD. no more lunch and recess for mi. lols. see how long i can tahan bahs. lols.
end heres!..byes!..
end heres!..byes!..
Sunday, September 17, 2006
got up, changed and when to northpoint. meet julene, rebecca, vivien and sumin. reach dere quite early so went to jalan jalan. den saw julene. she called the other two, but they are like still at home. one say thougth that it was 10.45, the other say cannot wake up. excuses.. blah blah. went to popular to buy materials for the english project. did not manage to finidh everything today due to the lack of batt for lap top and lots of things pop up. when home den recieved msg for Dixon. so went to hab lunch with him. actually not hab lunch with him, but watch him eat lunch. hahas. he reminded mi of the FREAKING attitude DARON QUEK give mi this morning. it was so kind of mi to say hi to him. yet he diao wo!. wat the!.. do ur parents teach u man(wonder lots).. anyway, i think Aloy hab give in to u lots and lots. FREAK!.
went to a-maths extra lesson tis morning.
Li chuen's dad drive mi dere.
surprise huh? cos when i was walking to skol, i saw chuen den her father ask mi to tag along.
go skol hab my breadfast, sandwich and strawberry milk.
attended the a-maths klas but wasn't able to focus. not sure why but i just can't.
after the maths klass follow by chem. during chem, keep doing a-maths question.
today siao ler.
post format also luan diao.
when back home, play comp, bathe and go out again.
meet mummy and sis and her bf and jurong east.
after lunch went shopping with mummy.
sis and her bf left.
brought a new shoe.
quite cute bahs.
not sure.
today's post a bit like shit.
some lines super long, some short.
having flu now, so can't help it.
the fluid keeps dripping!>
can't stop. freak.
planned to finish my work today. but still havent started.
i will do it later.
i promise.
stop here.
gonna do homework. happy reading.
i'm dying!..
Li chuen's dad drive mi dere.
surprise huh? cos when i was walking to skol, i saw chuen den her father ask mi to tag along.
go skol hab my breadfast, sandwich and strawberry milk.
attended the a-maths klas but wasn't able to focus. not sure why but i just can't.
after the maths klass follow by chem. during chem, keep doing a-maths question.
today siao ler.
post format also luan diao.
when back home, play comp, bathe and go out again.
meet mummy and sis and her bf and jurong east.
after lunch went shopping with mummy.
sis and her bf left.
brought a new shoe.
quite cute bahs.
not sure.
today's post a bit like shit.
some lines super long, some short.
having flu now, so can't help it.
the fluid keeps dripping!>
can't stop. freak.
planned to finish my work today. but still havent started.
i will do it later.
i promise.
stop here.
gonna do homework. happy reading.
i'm dying!..
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
hahs!got back my report card.did quite okay for my english, got a c5..actually not very good but is a big improvement!hmm...dropped my horn and was given 50 push-ups. hahs..do it in one go..wonderful huh?lols...but i was exhausted!hahs...anyway, today isnt my day. got a scolding from mummy from dropping in academy. sian!..den Dixon call mi to accompany him to hab dinner. hahs. agree!.. lols. finally got someone to listen to mi. actually i think he's a very good listener.lols...now chatting with him. hahs.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Yippy!..finally get to hand up all a maths work!..owe cher for the past dont know how mani months. just finish updating myself on the deathnote forum.is a waste of tyme bah. planned my tyme-table but also never follow.so ish a waste of tyme AGAIN. hahs.today i dont feel like doing anything. feeling like jumping. hahs. i'm loosu!!..yeps. dont understand whats loosu rites?ask indian friends. but u mux pronouce it as loosi. hahs!..
after skool when to library to borrow books. lame books. books with lots of photo and few words. nah. i just think it's fun to go back to olden days. days w/o stress and everything.haiz. still owe english teacher a speech. anyways, i pass my english!!..yoz!..english wor. i think i got a C5, which ish super GOOD!. hahs. end here bahs. too mani things pop up in my head, dont know how to continue.. lols.
after skool when to library to borrow books. lame books. books with lots of photo and few words. nah. i just think it's fun to go back to olden days. days w/o stress and everything.haiz. still owe english teacher a speech. anyways, i pass my english!!..yoz!..english wor. i think i got a C5, which ish super GOOD!. hahs. end here bahs. too mani things pop up in my head, dont know how to continue.. lols.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
got up damn early to prepare to go to costal sand.hahs.wei jian hab invited us to his chalet. reach dere around 3 plus 4? lols. nothing fun actually happened. lols. arond 7 plus, kah yen started the to play MAJIANG. lols. play for a while den i go home ler. needa reach home by 11. haiz..miss the fun part. lols.
leave hus around 9.45 to go to the chalet. do nothing dere. hahs..all people needa slp cos they play too much the night before. lols. we slack all the way to 3 plus. den go to BK. after that went to play pool. hahs. keep losing. sian.. at night baby and chun leong went to tampines to take cake. cake for who?for wei jian and jere. they were born on the same day. hahs. okay lah. the nli thing i do dere ish cut cake. hahs. anyway, the cake ish really nice. OMG. i still owe baby money. hahs. planned to return her tml. but i dont think i can.. see first lar. hahs..den around9.15, went home. jere sent mi to the mrt station den go lo.. hahs. yeppy!...finishing my book. hahs..
end here lo.. nothing else to write ler.
got up damn early to prepare to go to costal sand.hahs.wei jian hab invited us to his chalet. reach dere around 3 plus 4? lols. nothing fun actually happened. lols. arond 7 plus, kah yen started the to play MAJIANG. lols. play for a while den i go home ler. needa reach home by 11. haiz..miss the fun part. lols.
leave hus around 9.45 to go to the chalet. do nothing dere. hahs..all people needa slp cos they play too much the night before. lols. we slack all the way to 3 plus. den go to BK. after that went to play pool. hahs. keep losing. sian.. at night baby and chun leong went to tampines to take cake. cake for who?for wei jian and jere. they were born on the same day. hahs. okay lah. the nli thing i do dere ish cut cake. hahs. anyway, the cake ish really nice. OMG. i still owe baby money. hahs. planned to return her tml. but i dont think i can.. see first lar. hahs..den around9.15, went home. jere sent mi to the mrt station den go lo.. hahs. yeppy!...finishing my book. hahs..
end here lo.. nothing else to write ler.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
nowadays too mani things happened, cannot concentrate on amaths!.
keep thinking of xiang and min.
xiang told mi to be faithful to min.
yeps. i will. of cos!. lols.
never seen a depress person laughing!
hahz..okays. stop tat thing.
hmmm...quite excited abt tml!. KK'S birthday!..
lols. brought him NOTHING? i think so lols.
blahs..i wonder wat shuld i wear. he call us to bring our swim suit dere.
so maybe will hab water sports?eh?who knows.
hope is interesting. lols.
finish in 4 days the book "vampire high". interesting story.
hahs. and finally get to read "if a hab a wicked step-mother, where's my prince?" lols.
recommanded by PHY a few months ago. lols.
end here lo!..
nowadays too mani things happened, cannot concentrate on amaths!.
keep thinking of xiang and min.
xiang told mi to be faithful to min.
yeps. i will. of cos!. lols.
never seen a depress person laughing!
hahz..okays. stop tat thing.
hmmm...quite excited abt tml!. KK'S birthday!..
lols. brought him NOTHING? i think so lols.
blahs..i wonder wat shuld i wear. he call us to bring our swim suit dere.
so maybe will hab water sports?eh?who knows.
hope is interesting. lols.
finish in 4 days the book "vampire high". interesting story.
hahs. and finally get to read "if a hab a wicked step-mother, where's my prince?" lols.
recommanded by PHY a few months ago. lols.
end here lo!..
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
haiz..so sad tat i break my bi's heart. i patch with yuem min and left him by his own. i wonder how he feels. haiz. maybe i did a wrong choice to patch with yue min. i'm not sure, but dere's a feeling tat all good guys are walking pass mi and i never get to hold their hands. omg.. things are getting complicated. i feel tat one day i might get into touble not making the right choice. even if it is so, i still think that i will go on with my life for now. just like wat shogun tell mi. nothing is forever, believe in ur soul and cherish the time now. im glad he tell mi tat last night. hahs. i really appreciate it!.hahs.lucky i can still follow what my heart says. YUE MIN! i want to tell u this! i really love u and will cherish the tyme we hab together!..
Monday, September 04, 2006
yeps.just went to bi hus and hear him play piano. haiz. keep thinking abt yue min. lols. never mind lars. i'm sure i can forget him. at his hus, we play checkers and chinese chess of cos my duty dere is to make his hus dirty!.hahas..mission clear. lols. i think i really can consider him but but but, he's too SHORT!. OMG. i can't stant short guys. first condition to be with mi: TALL. lols. hmm.. after that went back home. practise my horn!..arrgh!..so excited abt wed~!..going for the pre-camp training. how i wish someone can go with mi. i really hab no idea how to GO!. freak!. never minds. will see how it goes on wed. worst cum to worst, take cab lor. lols.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
yuppies. Wake up at 7.20 and get ready around 7.30. fast huh? i DIDNT bathe!. lols. reach causeway around 7.45 damn early. so went to buy my breadfast. lols. waited and waited for cassandra and wanda to cum. finally cassan when to look for mi. hahs. den we waited and waited for wanda. but she still doesnt show up. we meet at 8 at around 8.20, she came!... wonderful. lols. let us wait for 20 mins. lols.but we still get to ACS(i) on time. infact, we were 1 hr earlier. slack abit. den started our sectional thingy. the instructor from the workshop is super cute. lols. short and plump. nice jap but broken english so, there was a translator. but the translator also useless de. lols. halfway through the workshop, she's gone. fly untill dont know where. hahs. get to know a few new friends, imah, nathan, and edwin. lols. they are PROs okays?at 1, we hab our lunch break which is 2 hrs long!..lols. lucky i got zhixiang with mi.lols. he came to look for mi at ACS. sweet huh? lols. although he's sweet towards mi, i still can't be with him. cos i love yue min lots and lots. lols. without him, life is "meaningless"(ridiculous) to mi. hahs.okays. stop this nonsense. after the workshop, sheena, wanda, yang, cassan and i when to hab our dinner at MAC. lols. after that went to popular.that's all for the day. lols. and Nathan is so CUTE!.
Friday, September 01, 2006
aroung 10.30, went to Dixon's hus to bring him mushroom soup and play with his dog,don, hahs. really hab a good tyme at his hus. lols. phew!, lucky his didnt puke when he ate my soup. hahs. after that he send mi home and went to work. he said"the soup is really nice." oh pls. i know his kidding. WHITE LIE. around 1.30, ZiXiang came over. he wanted to hear mi practise my horn. hahs. after i practise, i pass him my horn. lols. wonderful!. he can't even make a single sound out of the twisted metal. lols. so he decided he will challenge the horn again. hahs. introduce him my fav "thing" Skitter. lols. after several tries, he still dont know how to make it move!. lols. after the whole skitter thingy, went hm ato do hus work. so malu!..obviously i didn't do a good job. lols. but he said i'm like the second mother of the hus. and is a big burden to carry. i feel that way too. i hab been crying for the pass few days. maybe i'm not a strong gal. during dinner, recieve a call from weijian. beginning of the conflict. mum knows i plan to stay over nite at the chalet and told mi off. she said "the more i think, the more i think ish not rite.How can a 14 year old gal hab such guts to stay over nite at chalet with guys!" sorry, u hab make a mistake. the one who train untill like this is YOU!. without ur love and everything i still can live pretty well!. sometimes i just dont get it. why do parents are narrow minded? haiz. really. man. i hasnt ejoy much these days cos of YOU!. can u kindly change? i will appreciate it and learn to love u MORE!.
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