ytd didn't get enuff slp, so was a bit tired during the camp. waited for tzeyang in the morning untill we nearly late for the camp!. hahas. went dere saw christina. hahas. she rocks man!. keep introducing forself to everyone. den we were ask to form group of 15 and play ice breaking games. my grp consist of...christina, sick ass, yang, mi, aaron, sherine,mega, zhati, jane, glean, ray, one siling de, handsome(hahas), one sec 2 de and last one i forgot ler. hahas!. was having so much fun. we merge with other grp. tat makes up 30 ppl!. 30 name to remember. lucky i can still cope. lols. quite cute neh. christina is like thinking of all sorts of punishments for us. eg,running around shouting ur name, confess to a gal and get her number,scream across the hall and make sure everyone look at u. hahas!. the camo was great. of cos there was tough ones. like the music rehersal.we needa memorise all 12 pieces. and march in the field. arrgh. tml is really tough. after this i really needa buck up!. GAMBATTE!. lols .pics pics pics!...enjoy!..

walking bells!..interesting.

percussion. the guy is aaron!.cute?lols

wonderful french horn section!17man!.

more beggers!
beggers.eating their food!