Tuesday, December 18, 2007
So tiring.
the books are so heavy!..
hmmm...but luckily. this friday last day ler.
hmm...as in i hope is the last day. hahs.
legs muscle getting bigger..
this thursday my Birthday!...HURRAY... finally.
Job interview-yesterday 17/12/07
went for a interview, but fail to get the job.. cos...
I AM NOT YET 16!..
i hope next time my children can be born earlier. hahs
after the interview went to vivo.
But no with SHOGUN. cos he PS mi!...
was quite disappointing with vivo.
it is not that big. hahs.hmmm thats all bah...
Chalet-last saturday 15/12/07
get to see all the kids that i miss!.. lols.
they are so sporty and kawaii!.
lols.. althought i miss out the chances to play with them but i know there will be another time!.
hahs. the BBQ is super nice!..
all thanks to Wei Jian and Keng Yip.
Not Forgeting...Izzidin, Darren and Don!.. hahs.
miss nicano man.. didn't see him dere. hmmm next time den go to his concert.
heard that he become shuai ler!..
thats all for these few days...
counting down... left 2 days!!!...TWO DAYS!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
hahs.. chang hong make dinner for mi!!..
so HAPPy...LALALA...
lols.. oh yeah, it is very very very delicious!..
i think it is better than hotel standard.
hahas.. he make honey for mi too..(cause having sore throat)
so nice of him!.
okays. thats all that happen yesterday.
the day before i tried new stuff.
i finally get to board LRT. hahs.
okay..i know this is not interesting but imagine,ever since there is such thing in singapore, i neevr get to board. hahs. finally!!...yeah. hahs. anyway, i'm addicted to a game called HighStreet5. it is a singapore game. similar to audition. interested people can go this web.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Went to skate today.
With.. Geraldine, Gladys, Stephanie, Lijun, Kah Yen, Chang Hong, Simon and My bro(Shen Da)
Have a great time dere. hahs.
Lijun and kah yen enjoy themselves lots(Ice-Skate lovers).
actually we didn't really do anything. just spend the whole morning and afternoon on the ice-skating ring. hmmm.. it is quite boring?lols.
lucky, i've got entertainer there. SIMON!.
hmmm...after skating went to LOT 1.
Kah Yen wan to find job. so tag along. hahs.
She left her details with some shops. i hope the shop will call her. hahs.
Of cos, i hope the people call mi too. I need money Badly!..
just now posted my details on web. flyer distribution.
now can onli depend on this ler.or else can't get money to buy wat i want. hahs..
end here.. bye bye
Sunday, December 09, 2007
hahs. if its not Hue-B, i think i'll close down this blog.
Yesterday went to my grandma house(second).
Its Gisele birthday!. hahs. happy birthday to her.
but i doubt she know anything.
She is only 2 years old.
The food is nice. hahs. the fruits are fresh.
other than eating, there is nothing else to do. the nite passes very quicky.
hahs. Chang hong called mi and we chatted awhile.
After that, went to slp..
Tang ge's bed is so confortable. hee...
didn't get to see him.. he went back to china.
Coming back on Jan.Miss him man.
End here.. I'm Bored. can anyone entertain mi??
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
When to east coast park with, Darling(chang hong), Simon, Han Lin, Xin Mei, Kah Yen, Ying Hong and Emily.
i hope everyone enjoy themselve.
Darling say it wasn't that fun.
probably because he was pangseh. (he rent rollerblade however others rent bike)
simon brought his own rollerblade.(not counted)
Xin Mei and Han Lin so loving. the rent the double bike. One at the back, one infront. so loving.hee.
Kah Yen fall quite badly due to simon itchy hand.
cause kahyen was msging, one hand holding to front, the other typing msg. so simon went to shake her bike. so she fall.
den we went to play pool. i trash chang hong. hahs!..but simon trash mi.sob.
after the game went to hab dinner(actually it is just watching simon eat)
Den headed Home....
Monday, December 03, 2007
From the movie Enchanted...
So Close
You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close
So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close
How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
First stop: causeway
Second: Novena(Velocity)
Third: Plaza Sing
No shop in causeway want people that is under 18.
Finally found 3 in velocity.however, 2 say they are only interested in full-timer.
leave my number with the last one. Hope they will call.
if not, i will be jobless for this dec. haiz.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating |
![]() You're not ready to go walking down the aisle. But you may be ready in a couple of years. You prefer to date one on one, with a commitment. And while chemistry is important, so is compatibility. |
took it and this is my results.
For people that care, you can try and take it..
see which catagory u belong to. hahs.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
abit slow but i think there is a need to write abt it here.
and i'm closing down this blog.
probably opening it next year. hahs.
i'll let my close friends know.
prom that day, Lijun and deanna came to my hus for the make over.
their prom dress was nice!.
Lijun one is short and sexy.
Deanna's is knee length, with her hair,she is like a real barbie...
i'm just a normal human being wih my dress.Nothing special.
The food was nice. i love the potato.the steak is nice too.
this year prom king is Daniel and Queen is Natasha.
That night is really nice. the dancing part was fun. hahs..
although i look weird( long dress with pop dance??) lols. but seriously, we really enjoy ourselve.
hmmm... the slow dance part was romantic.
i dance with chang hong( darling). hee..
so cool huh..
this year spend so much, but still can't get a job... sian... i think i'll be jobless for this year.. haiz..
Saturday, November 24, 2007
the Whole lot of people enjoy the "series of unfortunate Events".
day 1-we miss our flight, fish bone stuck in my throat and baby(yen) got gastric.
day 2- nearly miss another fight
day 3- We were CONNED
day 4- The bus was not allow to dive into the "orchard road", so we hab difficulty in calling cabs. 2 students can't stand the cold. in the end, most of us went to take the bus. hahs.
day 5- hotel in Penglai can't be rated( 1 star or watever) cos... it is still renovating. Pls. Renovating MAN!.. suppose to stay dere 2 nights, but due to the lousy condition, we decide to head for wei hai.
day 6- A fight broke out in the resturant between the stuff and our tour guide.
day 7- Korean shopping mall was disappointing.
day 8 and 9 is all about travelling. lols. but i was glad, everyone was safe and sound. hahs.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Chinese lit. i still haven't got the mood to study for it!!..
Arrgh!...hope the chinese lit question is easy..
Nope. hope that the unseen text is easy.
Right after the last MCQ, i'm going away. to qingdao.
Wish it can be a very interesting trip.
I wan snow!
Ang say will hab snow. so let mi pray for it.
arrgh..i'm very hungry..its 11.35 and i still haven't had my breakfast.
so hungry..
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
for more information view.
got this web from www.sgcafe.com
end here. time to bath and STUDY!.
Yesterday was Hui yuan and Sun quan daddy's birthday.
went there with my Skater, and scooter.
Hui Yuan is so cute. if u see her with her bike, u will probably laugh. hahs.
she is very sporting. Unlike me.
*is Sliming down so difficult?1 month is not enough?
give me ur answer when u saw me walking on the street.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
started on a new xiao shuo. haiz. always never get to finish 1 whole xiao shuo. zhen shi de. lols. anyway, this one is interesting. i can finally know the technique to writing novels. i'll keep this one short. yeah short. told my mum abt it but den, mummy dont like neh. she say mei yong~...however, i feel nothing. numb ler bah. 对于她的意见已经没那么在乎了!
today last practical. next week first paper. fast huh? i still can't get hold of amaths and chem. die. the first two paper. pls pls pls. let the chem be easy. let mi get B3 k? actually is quite impossible. b3!..5 grades jump k?lols. but i know i can do it. dang ran, having confidence is the first step to anything. hahs. after the Os, will go cheena. qing dao. Yeah yeah yeah. can board an aeroplane ler. baby going with mi neh!. hahs. i'm not alone!! Not alone.. yeah. lols. okays. end here. and I CAN'T QUIT MAPLE!.. it's so TEMPTING!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Kinda scare. i've always fail to score well in physic. i doubt i'll do well in this too. Lack of confidence. physic pract reporting time is 11.30. which is 2 hrs later. arrgh... feell the stress lo.
hope today's pract is do-able. pls god. pls let this pract be easy. aiyo. wat if i suck in pract?i'll suck in the rest of the papers. i can't breath properly.. two weeks later will be my first written paper-Amaths. 13 days from now k?less than 2 weeks!!... Omg.Omg. Omg. let mi start the revision from today bahs. o'lvl prelim i sucked. i hope to improve at least 2 grades on my amaths, chem and physic. maintain chinese, e maths and bio. english pls let mi get a C5.!!!... i dont wish to fail!. okays let mi end here.
lvl 49 ler. going lvl 50 after 1 month and 1 week... gonnga stop mapling from today onwards.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
hahs. a new drama by lolipop and Hei Se Hui Mei Mei.. super nice neh!..
hahs. the guys are so shuai!!!..lols. especially Au Quan and Wang Zi!!!...
These few days didn't really study.. just did some amaths and copy notes for physic. Mr cheong said, 30% of physic exam come from definations. so he ask those E and F ppl to memorise everything. yeah. i'm still copying. hard to memorise.
i still haven't start my SS and Chi Lit and bio!.. hmmm...gonna start it tml.
okays. got nothing to do so came to blog. yeahee.. My maple lvl 48 ler. by next week can lvl 49 bahs. see how things goes. having physic remedia later and nite study. another 19 days to my first PAPER!!!....
Friday, September 28, 2007
Yes..memories of Sec 1-4 came into my mind. and really. i have lots of things to say to different people.
To 1-3 and 2-3.
Girl Gang(sheena, wan shin, sophie, yen and others)..the day i 'join" your gang, i felt a sense of belong. Becos, inever belong to anywhere when i was in pri sch. so Thank you for letting mi in and teach mi lots of things.Although i can;t be in ur grp anymore, but i hope our friendship stretches. (love ya guys lots).
Kah Yen.
U have always been a good nv er!.andi enjoy the days we were together. maybe some misunderstanding brought us apart, but i'm sure our relationship is not that frigile. hahs.
To 3-5 and 4-5.
The 2-2 gang, once i've "tried" to merge into ur grp but failed. nah. its okay cos i dont feel sad. lols. the only thing i must say is.. treasure ur grp. these wonderful things dont come by chance. they happen for a reason(quoted from Mr Ang). Hope tat u can resolve any misunderstandings with your friends in future.
Rest of the klass.
We may be different from the 2-2 gang as we come from different klass. but i'm sure, 2 years is enuff to build a strong friendship.
hahs.. too gan xing ler. wrote too much .hahs. anyways, i gtg. so byes!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
lols... one can watch M18 the other NC16...all LAO LIAO!.
gave them t-shirt. i'm scare the size dont fit them. hahs. but its just my XIN YI. so they must appreciate. lols.
ZOO TRIP With LiJun, Geraldine, Phylisia, YenSen and Sidd
after bio paper today, the few of us(6) was so UNSOUND that we went to the ZOO!..taking a non-singapore cab there!.
u may not find in COOL but tats the first tyme for all of us to sit in that thing!. hahs. anyway, we really enjoy ourselves LOTS..
there are photos. nice and WEN XIN photo!.. lols. the animal photo i'll save it to other time.
Monday, September 10, 2007
went to Kbox with cousins. lols.
we play for very long nah.. seriously i think that is the best time i have with them since new year. hahs.. spend lots of time there...
forget to memtion their names...: Kim Jian, Yi Jun, Ah Xiang, Ah Soon and Ah Boon. hahas..
return hm kind of late. hahs. anyway, i didn't prepare for today's chem and physic paper. i suck man. but i hope for a pass in MCQ.. thats enuff..
tml is bio.. gonna study hard later...
Friday, September 07, 2007
arrange with phylisia and sidd to study in library. hahs.
hab big breakfast while phylisia hab hotcakes with sausage(she ordered hotcakes but was given hotcakes with sausage..ta zhuan dao!) due to us eating too long, when we went to library, it is already open! so equals to no place to sit(except the floor).
hai hao is still early(10am) we manage to find a cusion seat so that will be our table. lols.
talk and study...time files...its 1pm!!..
johnathan and camarine joined us!...
so...dot dot dot equals chat chat chat.. hahas. okay lar.. we still got study abit..
today learn lots of physic!!.hahas... and heard from sidd that the physic MCQ is going to be HARD.. and 1 bad news. klass 4/5 hab 4 ppl fail.hope i'm not the one that fail.
at4.30pm, went to get handroll and sushi with phylisia. got a place at mac. hab our snack dere.
went to shop cos was raining den we can't take our bags(in library). brought presents for wei jian and jeremy. hahas.phylisia and mi brought the same shirt.hahs. but was guys size(S). okays. after shopping decided to go out but it was still raining cats and dogs!!..lols. sidd and john came to bring us back with umbrella(correct spelling?). den we went back...chat with john, camarine, wahid, sidd and phylisia. hahas. happy day today man!!..
hahs.. hope this friendship will last LONG...hahas!!!...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
故事是说男主角-阿乐非常喜欢音乐,为了追寻这个梦想,他一个人去了纽约。阿乐有一个青梅竹马-小静,阿乐非常爱她但年幼的她却因病而死。到了纽约,阿乐遇到了另一个新加坡人,阿强。两人就这样变成了好朋友。阿强因为偷懒无法把pizza顺利送到rose家,便叫人生地不熟的阿乐帮忙。好不容易阿乐才找到rose。Rose 那时正在家中练习扮演猫的角色,她的一举一动都让阿乐感到莫名其妙。他们俩也就这样被一条无形的线缠着。Rose 有演艺的天分但每次参加试镜都不成功。终于,在一次试镜中脱颖而出但这角色却要她付出她的肉体。那时阿乐知道自己爱上了rose,对于这消息他无法接受。阿强那时也遇到了让他失恋3年的同性恋“阿强”。“阿强”离了婚,找回阿强期望能和他再次生活。就这样阿强离开了纽约,阿乐也离开了。
Rose 到了新加坡,在小静的坟前遇到了阿乐。rose 对阿乐说她当天并没有上飞机因为,她思念的,想的都是阿乐。她无法就这样离去。Rose 和阿乐终于在一起。故事也在全pizza店的人员回到新加坡创立“新加坡派”后结束。
Saturday, September 01, 2007
after the meeting with old friends, i went to buy some toy to play...hahas... manage to join all the pieces together. i took some pictures of it. hahs.
Friday, August 31, 2007
after today, i feel that time files. seriously, i feel that pri 1-6 just happen yesterday. everything pass so fast. plus these years in christ church. with just one blink an eye, i'm leaving this sch in 3 months. Dont you think is fast?
today hab meeting with afew goodfriends from pri sch. hab really wonderful chats. Yu Hang and Yvonne starting the whole meeting with quarrels. hahs. follow by some cute little lame jokes. Ding Cheng was EMO. yeah... i think thats his character. he always keep everything to himself.
back to the meeting, yu hang, jie xian, sho gun, yan ping, yvonne and mi was at mac where we tok abt the past. hahs. yuhang said lots of things...like the most popular game, digimon tamagochi. hahas. he even say in details and how we play that thing. also, he said the textbook we use to hab is what animal de...like english textbook for pri 3 is tortise, pri 4 parrot hahas. i dont know lo. i onli remember i try all my might to find all the animal that hide at every page. yvonne reminded us abt the ture or dare we use to play. hahas. there are lots of other thing... like who introduce neopets to us, the tamiya car, pokemon cards, ice-cream stick gun, colour pencil aeroplane. Even how the teachers teach. to my surprise, yuhang knows almost every single thing that happen in our pri sch years. hahs. i don't remember lots but i know one thing. i like jie xian for 4 years. lols. haiz... such a long thing liao.
hahs. today was really fun!.. especially the meeting. hope we can gather together another time. lols.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
started already. hmm. language paper are DIFFICULT. however, the bio and amaths are quite easy. i may fail but its consider easy. hahs. anyway. i cut my hair to WELCOME the prelim just the day before english paper. LJ cut too!. her hair was super SHORT. but i think that suit her mure than the long one. this one looks more...ANIME. hee...
yesterday was playing maple. 71%!!...21% more!.. lols. getting to my aim hahs. and my sin.... hmmm today wan go lvl 20. hahas. arranged next thursday with jere to watch bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi. hahas. heehee. going dating with JERE...JEALOUS??hahas. i know u are not. anyways, this week is very enjoyable and exciting!. hahs. AND..SHORTIE is coming my house soon!!!.i MISS HIM!.. hahas...
later 6 need to study Chinese Lit. physic tml. hahs.
i hab no patience to blog anymore. this blog is getting laggy. hmm.. maybe becos "he" is old. lols.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
when i was slping, i suddenly dream abt my Amaths!. Serious. no joke. arrgh. the dream was bad. i saw mr toh, with my prelim Amaths paper. when he gave mi my paper, i saw a F9!. was quite true cos i fail the June paper. but...PRELIM leh!. i very very scare!!...Den i still got lots of subject didn't study. wa!.. i dont know what to do lars!!.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Nice skin huh? part of the credits goes to mi too!. i generate the codes. she do the skin. hahs. anyway, just thought of uploading some nice pics but but but... memory card extentsion was missing. so no PIC..
tml getting MT results.. wonder how i did.. and tml band is going RP to perform. hope they can do their best!..hahs. 4 days at home isn't a great thing afterall. was slacking. can't even concentrate on harry potter. all i did was.. EAT SLP,EAT SLP. growing fat.
and.. next week is prelim week liao. nearing the dead end. . . . donnoe know what to write. bye.. off to maple. current lvl 42.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
today went to sch. sing national anthem. take pledge. den went for a walk. hahs. i wonder wat is the significant of doing that. question mark all over. my klass left 9 ppl. the rest went for the speech day rehersal. so left...Vivien, Pearlyn, (Lijun), (Me), (Sok Eng), Melvin, (Johnathan), (Benjamin) and (Joe). the brackets ppl stay together. the rest donnoe go where. so this grp of ppl started to tok crap while walking. i started the whole conversation by asking Joe why he come to Singapore to celebrate National Day while he is a Malaysian. He "shouted" that he is not a Malaysian but a Singaporean. the conversation going.. untill he started to say his rabbit died of electric shock. hahas. He is a murderer. however, he said it is not his fault. cos.."I didn't tempt the rabbit to bite the wire and drop it on the puddle of water on the floor.". we ask him whether he miss his rabbit, he say no. HEARTLESS CREATURE. then he added. all the memories the rabbit gave him are all bad ones. Li jun or Ben started the hamster thingy. Joe said hamster are digusting cos the mother ate her babies when the babies are born. RIDICULOUS. so the two hamster lover(Ben and Lijun) started to protest. Joe reason out saying he get that information from 5 different books!.. so the PROTEST become RIOT!. from TALKING become SHOUTING!. lijun(Source A) say.."You have never kept a hamster before so your words can't be TRUSTED." Ben(Source B) say: "yes!can all your 5 SOURCES can not RELIABLE". Joe(Source C) say: "i have kept a hamster before but it drowned as i did not hold it properly and it dropped."
Answer this source-based question.
How far can Joe's words be trusted?(high-lighted)
den joe say he indirectly killed 11 fishes. 5 fishes jump out of the tank and died over night. the other 6 died, lacking oxygen as there is an electric break down on that day. hahs. okays. enuff of the JOE JOE thingy. lols. okays shall end here.. i still needa find the html codes for my BLOG!!..
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
anyway, today got lots of things to do!..tml national day celebration still need to stay back for test. one good thing is i got extra time to study cos the test is held after speech day!..which is 3 plus. yesterday went to sch with all homework not done. so kanna scolding lor. hahs.. xi guan jiu hao. lols. Mr Tan quite angry with us. half the klass did not complete our english essay. hmm. i finish one today. gonna give him tml, but of course, i need to correct to whole thing again. it is not even 350 words. missing 100 words. gonna add in abit. haiz... headache lo....
the day before yesterday, went for a 1-day tour to malaysia. hmmm... no really a good memory but can still take it lar. return home like 1 am??hahs. okays. will upload some pics. my blog is getting boring.hahs.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
saw sick for two days. didn't go sch today. was glad to hab good buddies such as Lijun, Steph, CAT, RABBIT and phy. heehee...hmm...didn't do anything today. so slping and reading all day. read comments from Mr Tan commenting my compo. learn lots. re-read the essaey i wrote. 1 word. SUCK. hahs. i can't believe i wrote it. but i have to admit, thats my standard.
yeah.. finally finish watching initial D,Project D. the anime one. hahs. now need to get more anime from CL. i wonder if he had dload any. lols.
gonna stop here. "cough cough"
dying soon..
Friday, July 27, 2007
hahs. anyway, i really dont hab the time to change blog skin. so will stick tho tis skin for the next few months.
English lesson is still fun. i wrote a story that hab improved by comments from Lijun and Julene.
yeah. and one thing. Julene..hmmm...someone is playing prank on her.. prime suspects. someone from mr Bennett Tan's klass. hahs.
i wonder who is it. hahs. cant say too much.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
lots of things happened this week..
English Oral, New instructor come, racial harmony and...
okays.. so damn malu... somemore in the field leh.. with all my klassmates dere. good thing is, they never laugh or say anything. my other friends got Guan Xin wo. hahas. like gladys, gerald, sok eng and Lj. hahas. yesterday also hab physic practical. hmmm..now i think physic is okay okay... not very hard. i think i can pass at least a c5 for my prelim. see how hard i work bah.
oh yeah...the nex instructor.. heard that he is nice, humorous and good character. hahs. not sure. i can't see him during school days. having remedial, self study group, practical and dot dot dot. all take up my time. the onli day that i can breath is Friday. lessons only stretch till 4.30pm. is early. compared to 6 plus almost everyday.
suddenly i feel the must-do-well-in-o-level stress. i think maybe contracted thu phylisia. she is so hardworking nowadays. and guess wat.. we hab the same aim..so i wa thinking, i hab to workhard too. if not it will be malu to lose to her. hahas..our goal is to go SA. yah..SA.. hard...difficult. i think the first 3 months maybe can go dere see see look look. provided my prelim are good. 9 points MAX.. MAX.. okays.
i think i'm really FAT. my tummy is out!..expected...haiz.. so i start my diet plan. breakfast, eat a bread. recess maybe a bowl of rice. den lunch..skip. dinner eat helf i bowl of rice. hahs. i started this last week and it work...i'm like 49 now. hahas. so 9 weeks, 9 kg..hahas.. watever. that's impossible. lols. my goal is to hab my tummy FLAT.. and i mean FLAT..wow...suddenly this post is so long. hahs. i got one last thing to say... my blogskin is dead now. so will be changing soon. is still soon.. cos dont really hab the time.
okays..One LAST LAST THING...my maple is 60%..hurry!...40% more.. lols.look forward to new skills. hahs..
Saturday, July 14, 2007
things to do tml:
-english summary 1998
-english compo.
hope i can finish everything by..maybe 4pm?
hmm...school days are not very good. brain cells keep skrinking in size. and i'm GAINING weight. serious!..i've HIT 50!!...arrgh..thanks to all the Add maths and physic questions. English lessons are fun. get to go to MAC lab. most importantly, AIR-CON!..july is worst than june. the weather is really bad and humid. i hope for NOV!..other than the "cuteoverload.com"and "uglyoverload.blogspot.com", mr bennett tan's web is also fun.. www.his3site.com
Jie Xian TAGGED me!!...hahas...surprised man. lols. i remember that time i went to escape with him. it was like 8.30 or 9 in the MORNING!...okays...i admit i was dumb.forgive mi i was onli 11 that year. actually jia qing, gao chang, ming hong are coming but dont know how come all back out. left with us. so we went. play play den saw my cousin, wei hao, wei jie and wei lun. lols. wei jie and wei hao last time so damn shuai lar!!... now abit CMI.. hahas..okays. den we play and eat den went home. that day was super fun. we play everything except panasonic and the gold- cart. i think he play. forget ler. so long liao lor. i wonder if he still remember that day. hahas.. okays...enuff of crap. needa bath and start memorising "XingRenDaoShangDeJingZi". Monday sure die..if Sumin forget to scan mi that PingGuoHe. okays...BYE BYE...NITEs!...
i die two times man!!...EXP drop like siao!!...
i can't believe it!!!...the first time no white pot so die. second time i forget to click POT..
2++ percent exp GONE!!..
i damn pissed off!!...
anyway, lijun gave mi a website. cute pictures!!..
if too much cute things, u can try...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
went to skol in band t. cos got performance. but guess what..we Sounded OKAY but look STUPID. seriously. Mr Ang want us to play fanfair when the china ppl arrive. but the arrangement is bad. he wan us to play when everyone is standing infront of us. and the fanfair is like onli 7 BARS!!...so after we play, they just stood there, in silence. no sound. nothing. hahs. as an encouragement, Mr Ho give us some clapping. the other cheena teacher also. hmmmm... moral of the story. plan before u do anything.lols.
Yan lin just send mi some themes and games. the games are okay.. not too fun, not too boring. just nice. but the themes are super KAWAII!...lols.
okays...enuff.. nite. nite.. tml still needa study!!!...(untill 6pm)!!!...
Sunday, July 08, 2007
yeahs...now using firefox to change..hahs..
Y.JC Band
went to the "sit in practise". it is so great. nah. i think great is not strong enough to describe. hahs.
at 9,10am, all ppl are seperated into their own section. Fhorn section so sian. trumpet section more lively. Dawn(i think is this spelling) is humorous. she kept telling us lame jokes. hahas. guess wat, i manage to guess 1 of it correctly. hahas.i wonder is it good or bad. lols.
anyway, we played ice breaking games. and my section leader brought us drinks. i get to rmb a few people's name...my section: Bee Cheng(greenwood sec), Robin(kuo chai sec), karrisan(should be this), nicolette still got one more forget liao. still got some more. like guan yu, glenn, guan guan, kenky, atitka, su zhen, johnathan. JOHNATHAN. hahas. he is the cutest guy lar. yeah. during combine, i suddenly feel so excited!.. second time in my life, i sit with so mani ppl to play!..first is NCO camp. hahas. the Horn sounded so DAMN GOOD!.. hahas.. melody were played so beautifully. i really enjoy lots!..Thanks to YJC. they hab given mi such a wonderful time. hahs.
Friday, July 06, 2007
wen to a dinner and saw my Xiao Shu and Wei Jun Biao Ge. guess what, Weijun ia so SHUAI. i mean, when u look at him, he got that sort of eyes tat attract u. lols. i imagine being his GF. i feel so blessed. hahas. anyway, i can't get too carried away with DREAMS. dreams will never come true. lols.
hab my cheena Oral this week. being that last one is NO JOKE. the examiners just dont let u finish wat u wan to say!.they just cut thru ur words. hmmm...no manners?lols.anyway, the oral is over. lols.
tml going to Yishun JC. hahs. not sure wat will happen over dere, but i hop ethe whole programme is nice.hahs..
Saturday, June 30, 2007
today got chinese lit test.
went to work.
go with Royston to China Square to collect UOB paintings.
we submitted the reciept,go and hab tea at ya kun with Wei Sheng(BOSS)
i didn't order anything. dont feel like drinking. hahs.
den follow, wei sheng back to his office. hahs.
he offer mi chocolate.hahs. nice man!..YUM YUM.
help to transport the 86 paintings to the back of the lorry.
it was abt 5.30pm when i reach haroobee.
do the admin work and leave at 6.30.
dad send mi home.
thats all.
FUN and boring.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
hmmm...today post is long. hahs. gonna go read book. if not, no book of the month liao. hahs.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
aiyo yo...the hell days are coming. i have like 10 hrs and the prison life is back. i was wondering, do prison get holiday?if not, i counted myself lucky...hahas. okays. i frond some pic in my hp. so will upload now.
At Farmart.
the overall.shops.
hahas.u should know what's this.
uncle William!!...he is a super good tour guide.
better than mi!!!...
if u can see...it is an albino..
hahas...shes not the highlight.. see the MOO behind!..
he is the STAR!!..
dere also other things that happen after the trip to farmart. hahas.
like...erm ytd...i fall down cos i run too fast. and got myself injured.
thats not a nice one. and today, my ez-link drop into the toliet bowl.EW..
this is worst. hahas. anyway, if dere is anything bad that happen in the morning, it means dere will be good things in the later part of the day. hahas..
today is fun. my dad and sis came to my work place to do WORK. yeah. as a specialist in hanging paintings, my dad came to pick up 90 paintings from studio haroobee. all these paintings must be submitted to the fareast square for UOB competition. hahs. there isn't lots of ppl dere for submition. but the teachers and i were damn busy to get all the paintings registered. by 5pm, we are glad to say we submit everything properly. hahs. Boss,uncle samuel brought Adel and i desserts....heehee.. mine is sea coconut with peach. nice man. but i think tml will get muscle ache. lols.
okays. shall stop here.. heehee...
Oh yeah...i'm glad is my ez-link that fell into the toliet bowl and not my hp!!...heehee..
Thursday, June 21, 2007
spin spin spin...bingo...
if the coin shows the flower, i'll publish..
hmmm...u should know the answer...
hahas...anyway, i still hab no pics with mi to update. lols. but if any one really interested in looking at the photo, u can view it at CHR band's blog.but i doubt anyone will be interested. i mean except for the juniors and SOME seniors. no OFFENCE..just stating the fact.
today i'm really very very happy. hahas. one is becos i lvl UP!...in addition, my percentage now is 63%. so another 37% to go!...yeah!...another thing is tat i finally know what i can DO!...yeah.. hahas..now toking to shogun and junjie.. but they suddenly didn't reply. dont know what happen to them...arrgh...so bored.nothing to do NOW.
*O level is coming man!!...OMG..i'm still slacking. yeah and i MEAN SLACKING!...can u believe it?er...although i know that u BELIEVE it...hahas.. okays. this is lame. anyway, today i do PQ 3 times and all 3 time stuck at stage 3...cos always got ppl DC...i mean 1 cleric DC with the pass. so we redo. den i disconnect 2 times. first time with pass so they redo. the second time when i DC, i just go away. cos it will take 20 mins for them to finish one PQ.. (I didn't tak the pass)...
okays...people, pls be patient cos i know that u don't like to read abt MAPLE STORY. but it is FUn!...Yan Lin will support mi!!..hahas...
okays. enuff crap. bye bye...
and a big big news!...my period is here...(spoil my mood)haiz...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
the whole trip is amazing!.it turned out so successful.
in total 17 ppl went. although is just 17, but we really enjoy ourselves. hahas.
reach dere, have our lunch. den we started to play pictures hunt and treasure hunt. hahas. it was so damn fun lar.. ppl tat miss the fun really miss out lots!.. hahas.
group 1:Yinjie, KaiLee, Zoe and Seri
group 2:Shenda.Caroline, Zephyra and vivienne
group 1 photo hunt
*take a photo with a stanger in Black top(all group members must be present in the photo)
*Take 3 photos of the word "danger" at different places.
*take a photo behind wooden table(all group members must be present in the photo)
group 2 photo hunt
*take a photo with a stanger in white Top(all group members must be present in the photo)
*take 3 photo of the word toliet at different places.
*take a photo behind stone table(all group members must be present in the photo)
after group 1 is done, we went back to the starting point to answer questions.
before we choose the question paper, keng ask us to memorise the band formula and phrase.
FORMULA-Discipline+Good Attitude=Successful Band
PHRASE-being successful is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice.
meaning ful huh??lols.
so we answer the questions...
1)"yesterday i was 25, today i was 26.Next year i'm 28"this onli happen once every year.when is he born?and when did he say this?
2)two man share a meal of $25.each pay $15.the waiter should gave them back $5. but he kept $3 as tip, and return $2.in balanced, each man pay onli $14. so which mean 2 man pay $28. plus the $3 is $31. where does the $1 come from??
3)there is 3 cretes of fruit.1 contain apple, the other contain pears, the third one contain both apples and pear.all 3 cretes is labled wrongly. if u can onli take one fruit from onli one crete, how can u label all the cretes correctly?
of cos, my group so clever. this kind of question can't pull us down. hahas. we solve it.
1)man was born on 31 dec. and he said it on 1 jan.
2)no answer.
3)u should know.. hahas.
after the question thingy, the rain came. for a while onli. den we go play again. hahas. this time is go beach play. fun man!!..yeah. hahas.. there are also video and pic taken. lols. they will be up soon...lols.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
was late for work...2 mins late.. heehee but the day is enjoyable...
in the morning they hab normal flexi painting..afternoon two section of canvas shoe painting..
the shoe painting is so so so fun!!!
Nancy Antie ask mi to help Cara decorate her shoe..first time man!!
heehee..den the next canvas shoe section teacher Melinda ask mi to teach another gal...not onli decrte..but also paint!...hahs...of cos i can't cope on my own..so ask teacher Aisha for help..Abigil is so cute!!....
that day also met Royston...he really hab the sense of humour...was cute and easy to tok to....but too old for mi..he's 22...hahs..
shall end here...bye...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
dad confiscate my keyboard again. i got a new one from jere. hahs. it is hard to type. but still can managed. no maple for another few months! ass man...
okays reporting time.
last friday..
Miss Li told my klass tht she is leaving..to Fuchun Sec
they quarrel maybe becos of different mindset.she wouldn't hab lost if it is a debate. but sadly, it was a match will autority. she lost to someone with more power. hahs.
last Sunday..
went to IT fair with chun leong and jere. hahas. spent money to buy printer link. haiz.. 68 bucks man!!!..hahs. cannot write in details cos there is two ppl waiting for my comp...
went to SimLim square to SimLim with kengyip. hahas. we tok abt lots of things. but most of it is abt guys...heeheee...all thanks to keng if not i'll hab to stuck in my hus for the whole day like today!...which is damn boring.
GTG..bye by...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
(1) humans can't live without dreams?
(2)If there is difficulty in making all 3 kids plus 2 adults survive, why give birth to 3 instead of 1 or 2?
(3)Why do adults always think wat they do for us is good, and never will they stand place themselves in our shoe?
(4) When they are young, results are so horrible. why can't they think like "our child get this kind of results is becos we are not a good role model"?
(5)Why can't parent listen to our explanation. ENGLISH!Wat The Hell. i try my best to read english book and there they are telling mi that i didn't put in any effort to learn my english well. haiz. humans never blame themselves when the problem actually lies within themsleves. this include MI.i always blame ppl for wat i do.
haiz. suddenly lose the mood to enjoy 微笑Pasta. hahs. thoday i must finish 1 eps!...YEAH..
Sunday, May 20, 2007
that's the title for Yishun Junior College Wind concert. hahs.
erm.. the concert is okay but they lack of practices.
i heard they take 1 week to prepare for this concert.
my point of view is if they are not ready, why not push back the concert?
anyway, it is fun cos i saw a few cute guys!..
hahas. the horn is good(OF COS.DARREN IS DERE!)
other section mah...not up to expectation. especially trombone section.
Maybe they are too nervous?who knows.
double bass is also good!..tat guy is super!.
becos of the string bass, the whole band sounded balanced.
flute section can't really hear. but their Flute Quartet is nice. they are in tune.
The brass Quintet didn't sound quite right. cos of the tuba. he seem to rush..
like what i say earlier, the horn is good. the gal CAN play horn.
in the middle of the concert, a few kids distract the audience attention, this isn't a good thing. but i'm glad the instructor pursued with his playing. hahs.
after the concert, darren came down and lingle with us.
but he prefer to follow his JCs friend. so too bad..
end here. hahs.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
P.S Miracle won't happen..
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
got my results TODAY..and they are so so so "up to expectation".
got 3 fail and 3 pass..
2 As, 1C and 3 D7...
wonderful results!!...
watever..i'm so so so damn dissapointed with myself.
how can i get a D FOR MY AMATHS?!?
what the hell!..i could pass that stupid paper if i read the question carefully!!..
ASS man.. DAMN mi!..
i feel so so so traumatized..did i get the right word?
watever as long as you understand, its alright.
ARRGH...i'm such a idiot!!...
screw mi!..
okays enuff of that..
i think i'll know my chem and english tml.
haiz. hiaz. hiaz. at least my titration i get full marks..if not i think i'll end my life..serious!..
Monday, May 14, 2007
know whats triangle?it means unlicenced.
went cycling with keng. hahs. thought it will be save but deres always risk. hahs.
we went to Yishun ave 1. wow..its very beautiful. the sea breeze is cooling. lols. went we get dere, my legs are already half dead. imagine..the road towards yishun is not so tough but when it comes to the return journey, its TOTALLY DIFFERENT..
half way home, i couldn't stand it liao. we went to chong pang to hab a drink and get something to eat. hahs. keng have huge appetite lols. after we finish, it time to go.. the way home was a DISASTER.. we hab to paddle very hard. yeah maybe it was easy for keng but NOT FER MI. lols. my legs were aching. the lactic acid is probably building up in my muscle. it SUCK. lols. just as a was concentrating on paddling, a uncle came right at mi. in bicycle too. we are like half a metre away?or 20 CM? i don't know. but i manage to turn my bic away. hmmm..its close. after that he scolded "CHEE BY" i was in the state of shocked so dont really care abt that. when i finally come back, i was in front of Woodgrove sec..now i still dont believe i actually escaped from being smashed. hahs. nice one. anyway, my arms and legs are still hurting. i dont think they will recover in an hour time. let see how things goes. maybe tml i wont be able to walk. who knows.
but really this is a really very very different exprience. lols.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NICANOR!...hahas..but that was yesterday..lols.
went to play pool with nic, yang, kk and keng..
at woodlands checkpoint. hahs.. reach dere around 2.45, waited and waited... but still couldn't get a pool table...the whole place is fully booked!..hahs..but at 6.30, we get a table. lols.
first round: keng yip VS KK(forget who won)
second match:Tag team(keng and mi VS yang and nic)(heehee..also donnoe who won)
den dots dots...finally...
YINJIE VS KENG YIP...guess who won?tan tan tan tannn~of cos is MI!...muahahahas..
lols.. tyco de... lols.
den second match between mi and keng..i lost cos i hit the black ball into the hole. hahs.. but we all play cheat. yang say end to fast le..cannot..so we take the black ball up and continue. hahas.. in the end i WON..lols. okays...thats all fer the pool..
Den we went causeway to meet up with jere... he promise to play all the stuff with mi except VORTEX..hahas..i knew it but was sad when i heard it some other day ago. hahs. anyway, i got KK and yang to sit with mi... VORTEX is super fun!..hahas..cos onli got two seats at one side so yang hab to sit by himself.hahas...but with him around is so fun..he keep rocking the seats untill mi and kk turn LOTS of round. untill KK shout at him.."STOP LAR"hahas... up dere is so fun... i dont know how to say...hmmm..mi and KK is insane. we actually play the whole VORTEX with our legs and hands up,not holding anything..lols. i dont know what to say but tats us!!...
okays...i wanna thanks KK cos without him around(if i were to sit myself)i wont be so daring. serious.. when i come down, i didn't feel weird or dizzy or anything. hahs. after that, we went to play the challenger.. hahs. its not as exciting compared to vortex.. this time round mi and kk got keng with us too...hahs. i can see keng is really enjoying that ride. hahs. he say is trilling. Yeah..it is to normal ppl...but to mi and kk,its nothing..NOTHING..cos we are INSANE!..lols. in the end JEREMY did not play anything..he break his promise..!...lols.tats all for yesterday..lols..
today..hmmm... the day started off with BLEAH...watch untill ichigo learn BANKAI...HE ROCKS LAR...hahas...den i was engross in my book"easy" hahas... the book is interesting. den when out with mummy, xiao mei, sis and FUTURE GODMUM...hahs. we when to the Le Meridien to hab lunch...hahs.. also celebrate mummy day...gave mummy the necklace mi and my sis broght for her. she say is beautiful...OF COS..it cos mi lots of money OKAY??so i'm bankrupt now. still owe yang money.. forgive mi yang..i'll pay u back ASAP!..after the meal went to bugis...mummy say we muz pray to goddess before antie can be ur godmummy. haiz..i really dislike the idea of godmum and goddaughter.. i mean.. why do they hab to find mi a godmum when i was THIS BIG? at the age, will u can someone from antie to "gan-ma"?like so weird lar..plus i dont think i NEED a gan-ma...haix...i dont understand adults..neither do they understand mi..put that aside.. we went to shop abit. mummy brought shoes. at the shop things happen again. mummy ask mi to help her to take things. i stare at her and hand my hand out to reach for her stuff. cos i was in a daze, i need time to process den she thought i show her attitude. ASS lar.. she probably think i'm selfish...watever...HER ATTITUDE SPOILED MY DAY!!!..take cab home. again. a fight. it started off with contact lens..my mum say someone was amited to hospital cos he think he couldn't take off his contact lens but the truth is that he drop it. i dont believe it. i said"if the degree is very high, the guy will know if he drop or not" isn't this rite??u mean when ur degree is 300 plus and when u drop ur contact u still can see CLEARLY??arrgh.. okay she didn't say much. den sis continue.she say "someone even pull his black eye ball out cos he can't get his contact out"..WAT IS THIS??!?i studied bio OKAY?!?! the black eye ball CAN'T be take out by simple tools. LIKE HANDS!..they dont believe mi.. so my mum say" u wont believe it untill u saw it." yeah tats rite so she continue"tats why u never listen to ppl.u think watever u do is rite and u will NEVER be wrong. and also the band that u once ruled HATE u."tat hurts. this is true to some extend. i said to her i know i am wrong and i DID apologise. she just say."u could just apologise but not meaning it"WAT THE HELL.. NO ONE in the world will ever give up him or her pride to say sorry OKAY?!?arrgh...i cried silently for a second..haiz...
Friday, May 04, 2007
chinese-fail. cos do wrong question for compo!.. the comp will 100% pull my overall DOWN!...
chinese lit-Fail. All the things i studied didn't come out!!...freak. i just hope miracle can happen to my unseen text.. let mi pass!!...
social studies-FAIL...wat the hell is the source base question trying to tell mi?!wat is the cartoonist trying to say? OH my goddess.. i can't believe it...although i've got time to do the source base but i don't know how to do!!....WAT THE?!?!...haiz...
today hab Amaths..gonna fail again...arrgh.. the questions is like so easy but i just can't get them correct!...
(3sec2Z-7=4tan Z) so easy and yet i can do wrongly!...wat is this man!!...i'm gonna practise very very very very hard for all this man!!...
next monday chem..gonna fail again huh?i really hope to score for the sciences except physics. hahs. hmmm...this is such a "unreachable" goal.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
play play den struck in the jumping quest at kerning..arrgh..dont know what to do man!...blah blaH!...hahs.
now quit ler...dont wan play maple..sian. hahs.
thursday exam liao. EXAM LEH!...aiyo... still havent revise my c lit and ss. sure die de... HAIz!!...HAIZ!....
end here bahs...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
firstly, didn't zip my skirt den today, diao ppl for nothing!..
wed so was malu!..i didn't zip my skirt and went to flag-raising ceremony. i bet lots of ppl saw it lor. jolene msg mi and tell mi abt it. mohana and sarahdar also tell mi abt it.. blah blah blah!...
den today..thought that my sis friend is saying something bad abt mi. in the end they are toking abt another gal!...Oh MY!..
i'm such a dumbass. lols. i hate myself being so careless and dumb!..
yesterday hab english paper.. oh man. it was HARD..i AM SERIOUS!. i am not being scaracstic. it is so hard that i can't even understand a word other than thoes YOU,HE, IS, WE, ARE, THEY, A,etc...aiyo!..i suck in english lar.. hahs...gotto pull my socks!..lols.
anyway, all ppl..must work hard for mid year okay?i dont mind u slacking for ur common testes but not for end year and mid year..lols.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
time flies lo..now thinking of the days when i was sec 1.. hahs. everything seem so innocent. but as we grow up, things turn out to be so complicated. not as inncoent as we think it is. now sec 4 ler.. O lvl cuming. feeling a bit of stress. hahs. but wat can i do. parents keep pressurizing us(mi sis included)ARRGH... hahs. i think i need something to vent my stress...hahs. writing in dairy is one way, bt i definately need something ELSE.. hahs. anyone willing to let mi punch?hahs..
opps. anyway, i hab restricted myself to say "ass" or anything that hab "ass" at the back. e.g Dumbass, Feakass and ETC!...hahas
shall end here.. lols. MAPLE TIME!..
Sunday, April 22, 2007
tok abt lots of things neh. hahas.
Oh NO!..i becom so act cute.. hahs.
anyway, we hab our dinner at chong pang(u spell it like that?)is in yishun.
bought satay home. hahas..
wat a enjoyable dinner. lols.
shall end here. there are too mani private things.so can't post here. lalals...
bye bye...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
yesterday, my dad gave mi back my keyboard but he set password in my comp. the worst thing is that i taught him how to set. i'm such AN ASS...he said we are not suppose to play comp when he is not around. but i'm so smart that i "break-through" his pass and get to play now. i hope he cums back abit later.. OMG...i'm such a lousy person.. hiding from my dad and bro!!!...haiz...i'm going to play maple now.. i wan to level up!!..
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
The Lesson To Learn
band members, the onli thing that cause us not to do well is tat our band is spilted. we are not AS ONE.. in a band, we need teamwork. hate-ing each other doesn't make u smarter. saying bad things abt other ppl will not make us a better person too.this doesn't mean u dont hab the right to choose ur friends, or to dislike other ppl. Its just that in a band, we need to combine the sound our instrument into music. this isn't easy. getting the right notes, playing in right tone, is not enough. We need to enjoy music.And believe that music does make a difference in our life.so what if all the sections can reach all the notes and play in right rhythm?if the sound doesn't blend, wat's the use?all the pride and stuff should not be brought into band. band is the place where u can release ur stress and enjoy urself. In the mean while, u can learn more abt ur instrument and rhythm. putting ur whole heart is the minimum u can do to make this band a better place. i really hope the band ppl can read this and think abt it. all these words comes from my heart. i'm not a good leader and can't make this band good. but i hope the next bunch of commitee and help to make this band better and also prove to mi that my choice of ppl is correct!!...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
P.S i believe in miracle.as long as the whole band believe in it and give our best shot at 12 noon tml, miracle will happen right in-front of our eyes..pls..this is abt teamwork.. so lets work forward to it!!...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
okays..i gotto go...hees...
3 day holiday...so shuang!!...
Saturday, March 31, 2007
needa reach sch by 7.40am to board a bus to yishun orchid country club..hahs..
i think thats the place where by commoners can't go in. onli ppl in high position hab a place in there. hahs.Ben send us there using a van..
he is so cold and so stiff.. didn't joke, didn't tok much.. the onli thing he said on the bus was..."how mani more monkeys are coming?" he suck!... how dare he look down on kids!...opps. i mean ladies and gentlemen. finally we set off to that place.
all the kids(i mean KIDS) were already warming up and prepared for the swimming competition. Another guy gave 8 of us stopwatches. the other 2 are suppose to look if any kids struggle in the pool and hab to save them...in short..(life guards) this postition goes to....to...to... Vivian and Geraldine!!!....
hahas..the rest of us(yen sen,Johnathan, Sidd, Phylisia, Lijun, Sok Eng, Gladys and mi) hab to stand at the ending point. hahs...the sun was super hot!...all got tanned..hahs. the heat begins starting off with 7 and below freestyle 50 m...my lane won!. hahs...den all the way to butterfly 50m... is so boring. was sweating like hell but for the $20, i'm WILLING!...hahas...
this is a very tough job.. hab to tolerate some inconsiderate ppl for slashing water at mi.. lucky they got say sorry..if not, heh heh heh...i'll KILL THEm.. lols.
it was 12.30 when they end everything.. but bad news....we can't get the money...
the person in charge didn't come and didn't tell other coaches tat we ARE paid for helping them..hahas..so the other guy told us he will give us the money ASAP...
overall today was fun.. FUn!...really Fun..i didn't hab so much fun since like years or months ago..lols...
today is so enjoyable!!!!...
Friday, March 30, 2007
my band is still trying to figure the notes!!...OMG...haiz...silver seem like a impossible stuff.
ARRGH...i feeling like killing pple... i wanna skin someone alive and that person is yen... i dont know whats wrong with her...
she is simply an asshole. okays...i said this in the blog to brainwash ppl.. hahs..
i really dont know what to say.. i can't face her..i just dont hab to courage to face her!.!..
life wouldn't be so difficult if i hab kill her.. hahs..
and my bro told mi keng make a face when i said i can't go for dinner..
i am NOT going to apologise becos i think i am not in the wrong!.
1st thing..i called two ppl and this two didn't pick up the call.. the other one didn't even reply my msg. hahs... fine.. i called the third person and he said no one is going for dinner..oh...okays...den i dont go.. when i was one stop before the place, keng called..he asked if i was going. i said NO. tat's all. i hab forgotten wat i said after that. hahs..
maybe u may think that i am unreasonable. but thats mi...like it or not, i'm not going to CHANGE...not even a thing!!!!!