Thursday, December 18, 2008
Recieved a call from my dad when i was working. Bad news.
Mum fell from stairs and twisted her arm. quite serious.
Hope she can recover. its sad..COs i've to do house work. lols.
NAHl i'm not so heartless. at least not to this extend. lols.
Alrights this is the end of this episode. (:
Bye. going to look for nice blogskin.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It has been so so so long since i posted! OOOHHH..
last week just finished my term test. everything is GOOD. except for CSAS.
all i hope is to get a D for it.
On friday night attended the salsa lesson. COOL.
know how to turn le wor. hee hee hee. muacks love it!. (:
start work Lo!.
yesterday was the first day of work.
days at adults isn't as bad as what i always imagine. ppl are nice. hmmm.
i think onli when these ppl are not having mood swing. lols.
anyway, MY birthday is COMING. hees.
mahjong mahjong mahjong mahjong. so excited!. HEE HEE HEE.
Christmas is coming too!.
Kbox Kbox Kbox Kbox. okay fine. i'm lame. hees. but looking forward to them eh...
Hais. this means that i'm getting nearer to the end of the holiday.
Link link link.. LINKS to project!. i've 3 project to do!!!.. ARRGH. feel like killing myself. eh.
gtg end here. there are lots of things to do!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Oh man!. what should i say?. i tried my very best to keep my shelf Free of dirt and today i saw my wooden box filled with ANTS! i can't believe it luh!. Ants don't onli invade my wooden box. the gift box with ear-rings too!.
I took out all the ear rings and THROW the box away.
Its so beautiful!.
ITE BAND'S CONCERT( Musica Fantasia)
Was late for the concert. missed the first 2 songs. KK said he don't like us, cos there's a solo for them in the first song. so sad!. can't hear him play though.
the concert went pretty well except for some mistakes here and there.
Ppl get tired after few songs. Understandable. lols.
Had a nice dinner. (:
went to bedok for it. hees.
Bus ride home was incredible.!.
talk lots on the bus. hees. Nice chat with wei jian. LA LA.
shall end here.
Salsa class going to start on the coming friday!. hees. muacks!.
Can't wait for it!. lols.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Oh man. call myself unlucky? ITs CCN day and i have to stay at home! OH MAN>
haiz. yesterday was CCN day but i was too sick to go to sch.
Didn't get to sell all the brownies and cup cakes with my friends.
I MISS the fun!.
HAIZ. i hope next year CCN day will be a better one. NO MORE STOMACH FLU.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Attended Shiqa's wedding. However, didn't get to see her.
weird huh? when Phylisia and me was on the cab, we texted her and she said she's going there.
anyway, the food there was nice. LOVE THE DESERT. hees.
At night went to Pasir ris, YiJun's Birthday. She invited us to her 21st birthday celebration.
didn't do much. just EAT. EAT again!.thats why i'm FAT. ): took afew nicy pics. (: can see that she really dressed up just for the birthday. pretty [:

27 Oct 2008
Attended Suhanah's DaughterS and son brithday celebration. the food they cater is REALLY NICE. Rice, beef, chicken, cakes, Deserts....TOTALLY MAKE MY DAY!. (:
after that travel to orchard, far east. Phylisia helped her friend to change a bag. Nothing much happened that day. (:

I totally screw up the accounting equation! and guess what. i think i belong to game design.
30 Oct 2008
1st NOV 2008
5th Nov 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hmmm. actually its not that bad. Really.
I make a game today and i'm proud of myself!. lols.
Its called Hit The Monster.
its a lame game but its fun. at least my class think that its fun and everyone is fighting for the high score. lol.
looking forward to the next lab.!. hees.
next time round is the shooting game.
Hope i can do well for this CDS.
although i know i suck in comp!. (:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
got my sch timetable and guess wats my CDS.
U will never guess it.
cos its GAME DESIGN.
Oh man. god, kill mi pls. i've absolutely NO interest in it and I got it.
HAiz. u call this bad luck huh?
i;ve 2 CDS. 1 of it is my fav, and the other is something i've never dream OF!.
wow. so cool!. lols.
watever. i'll try my best to change it but i doubt i can do it.
Seems like a hard task.
Wish mi goodLuck!.
Friday, October 17, 2008
went cycling with Dixon!
hees nothing much lo. went lots of UNKNOW places.
and i'm calling the shots. lols.
in the end it comes he accompanying mi rather than the other way.
The Heat is still Up
Dad still haven't forgive my act the other day.
yeah. this is wat happens when too much drama, shows were watched.
we act the same way as them and still think that its alright.
Parents however do not feel that way.
Tml is a big day for mi. Not a happy thing, instead if it don't go well, our relationship will be gone.
I dont want this to happen but the talk tml is important.
Hope my dad can forgive Us. really.
I didn't want to suffer in guilt forever.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Exposed!I'm like sitting on his lap and his hand on my waist, my dad saw it.
this put him in bad mood for 2 days! and this bound to last even longer!.
18 century VS 21 century. who win?18 century of cos! younger ones should always listen to the adults. (: but I DONT LIKE IT. listening to him means bigger distance between mi and my boyfriend. hey man. we have got restrictions alrights? "PUBLIC" my fav word and this restricted lots of things outside!.
oh man. no one know this other than us. hmmm what should we do? Keeping each other a distance? BUT i think i can't survive throughout 1 week of that!. although maybe he thinks its alright. arrgh. LIFE sucks. especially under age. there are TONS of things u are "not allowed" to do.
i feel so power-less. can't do anything abt it. u can't possibly ask mi to swear not to go that close to a guy. i can't do it. especially if thats my boyfriend. arrgh!. whatever. this best cure is to not think abt it!!!.
okays end here.
Friday, October 10, 2008
I'm NOT joking. i'm running out of money and its ONLY the start of the month!.
Oh man. who can tell me how could i survive the whole of this month?!?
maybe someone could tell me what is a must and whats a want in my wishlist this month!.
-Spects(colour is peeling off and i've been using this for 2YEARS)
-Wallet(3 years alrdy)
-Haircut(reborning spoilt)
-SwimWear(2 years)
-clothes(I NEED TONS)
-shoes(no shoe for sch!)
hmm. i think thats all. lols. dont say i'm lousy. its all the things tat i feel that its NEEDED in my life.lols. okay okay. enough of my toking. i think i need to get going alrdy. WORK.
whatelse do u think i have in my plan?lols.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Oh man. what should i say. i know i'm stupid.
NO perhaps i'm the dumbest person in the whole UNIVERSE.
i'll tell u wat i did.
Once upon a time..... a forigner went in to B-shop.
she saw this checked grey skirt, however, she did not have enough singapore dollars to buy it.
she ask the sales lady." i have this(Euro dollars). do u think it is enough to buy this skirt?" "Kind sale lady went to the nearest casher to check the exchange rate. the casher check it and say US rate is 1.3. lousy sales lady thought that US = EURO so went back to B-shop and calculate the rate for the customer. "mdm, i'm so sorry but its not enough to buy that skirt." "On pls. thats all i have. this is another 24.50. do u think its enough?" after much calculating, its still not enough.
However, "smart" sales lady say. "i'll help u pay. u can take this skirt and leave." happily the two customer went away. What this sales lady do was, top up another 16 dollars for this customer, and pay it at the cashier. However, to her surprise, the rate become 1.9. which means, US dollars and not equal to Euro dollars. stupid sales lady gave all the money to the cashier(include the 16 dollars). after calculating, this customer has paid $99 extra for the skirt she bought. However, this department store did not give back the 16 dollars to this sales lady despite knowing that she paid for the customer. this news spreaded throughout the outlets of B-shop and she's now living in a stressful life.
Happily ever after dont seem to happen to her.
hmmmm. wondering who this sales lady is? i guess u are smart to know who it is.
just for ppl who are curious. it is yours truely. (:
oh man. i think i'm really stupid!. arrgh whatever. its over right? yes it is.
Suffering in stress is really a bad thing!.
okays. fine fine fine. nothing much luh. other than this i think there isn't anything fun in that shop. lols.
stop here!. Muacks. loveya.
ICE-CREAM rocks.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Lols. was working at burberry with Fitri. ITS so fun!.
didn't have so much fun at work before. lols.
what we do?..
U have eyes! u can see for urself!. hees.
Wearing a thick trench-coat. Red in colour. price at least$800 (:
cutting quite small.need to try before buying.
size 12(:
Nothing special. lols.
Not suitable for ppl with long body. will make ppl think ur body not proportional.

not going to say its fun becos its not fun! lols.
maybe my expectations are high but anyway, not fun.
didn't do any crazy stuff luh. just sing and sing and sing.
didn't get to sing much either.
No mood for today. tml morning tuition cancel!.
SIAN. no things to do to pass time alrdy. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
gtg. goodnights. muacks.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
what should i say?i think i screw it up. really screwed luh!.
lols. and here i'm laughing.
haiz. not sure whether they will call. but i really hope to get in eh!.
i promise myself next time i will never say crap in interview. the feeling of failing suck!.
actually this morning wanted to go for a swim.
but no mood le.
see.. the effect is so BIG.
haiz. gonna live with this untill miracle happen(they called).
lols. watever luh!. GIVE UP LE.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
wonder why i'm so excited?if u do, den u are not a regular reader at my blog.
anyways, i'm still wondering whether to give him that doll.
mum just scolded mi for buying birthday gift for A GUY.
hmmm whats wrong with that. i mean, minusing off the things he bought me, i think i'm just repaying him.
sometimes i dont know what she's trying to say.
haiz. suan le bah.
shouldn't let this get into my way.
there is still 1 whole day to a beautiful tml.
lols. lousy english but thats what came across my mind.
(: end here.
Friday, September 19, 2008
hmmm. what should i say? was talking to 1 "friend" and he was like. " i'm not going to plan 1 if u thats what u are asking." hmm i was simply suggesting a class outing. early in the morning and that spoils my mood. not sure what he is thinking. but really, shouldn't he at least phrase it in a way more friendly? like example... "yeah. i think class outing is fun. but i dont think i have the time."wouldn't this be nicer? hmmm anyway, my CarePerson is getting MARRIED. lols. congrats too him.. hmmm will be asking my classmates whether they want to go. and i am only going to ask MY group and the F4's. who cares abt the others man.. lols.
yeah!. another 2 days to Ding Cheng's birthday!. lalala. so happy luh.
i'm going to ask for 1 day off. boss can't expect mi to work 1 week without off bah. and and and not short duration nah. like 7 hrs EVERYDAY.. going back to burberry next month. is burberry not burberry kids!. haiz. not going to enjoy much i think. :( but i'll try. (: lols. going to end here. need to eat my breakfast and set questions for tml's tuition. HARDWORK. lols.
Monday, September 15, 2008
starting for tml onwards, i'll be VERY VERY VERY busy. 3 times as busy as now.
why?! becos i'm going to work and teach tuition.
hard man. but no choice. boss need ppl to work.
so... work for her luh.
lols. its good to help ppl u see. hardwork gets pay off.
My Birth-Cert
hmmm. its not mine luh. its just that i went to build-a-bear.
and the birth-cert is so cute.
lalala. got a bear for hubby.
hope he likes it. lols. i know i;m kinda lame.
but i think a bear will suit him more than any other things. lol.
lucky he dont read my blog. if not, no fun for this coming birthday!.
u will keep it a secret too rights?
its just a secret between Me and You. (:
gonna slp early tonights. muackies.
love ya lots.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
oh man!. what should i say. hmmm. its EXCITING.
really. ppl whow loves thrilling movie can catch this. Wow!.
u see how the manage the wheel, weapons and also how fast their BRAINs can think!.
i dont know i can get over the movie in short time. at least, the images are still flashing clearly in my mind. (:
hees. today is a simple day. nothing much happen.
went to see my student's hus. tml is the first lesson. dont wish to be late.
hees. so excited.
later gonna read up my science. scare i teach the wrong thing!. hees.
wondering why i change the blogskin?
because the navigation went HAY-WIRE. i think the creator delete the picture from photobucket.there's images at the missing spot. feel that its too ugly to leave it. so change to this blogskin.
sorry if this blogskin doesn't fit my personality. i was doing this in rush!. i finish the whole transfering thingy within 20mins. lols. fast eh?
alright then.. stop here for today. gonna post sooN!. probably tml since its my first lesson!. lols.
goodnights. no more playground.
nights, the im-perfect bloggy. (:
Thursday, September 04, 2008
gonna be very busy with this and next month.
promoter in the morning and tutor at night.
lols. feel so happy to be able to get a student. although the pay isn't very high, but i think its gonna be very fun!.
hees. look forward to my first lesson.
not only towards that, also towards my everyday.
lols. anyway, i hope everything goes well.
teaching a sec2 gal isn't easy. really. hope she will improve bah.
anyway, i think i going to quit the promoter's job. after i help yang's mum with a few weeks.
can't really muti task that much luh. lols.
its so boring to stay at home!. arrrgh.
haiz. i'll go find things to do. come back some other day.
(: love ya. My playground.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
hees. yesterday was a very enjoyable day.
Went to christ chruch with alvis and desmond.
Meet up with my daughters and went to lunch!. hees. simply miss them so much!1.
hees. especially kai lee?
feel so bad for throwing her all alone. but she's strong alrights!
she can handle anything! lols.
hope she's coping well in sch also. lols.
hmmm. next is yan lin, yean lin and carol.
hees. they are the best daughters!(p.s i have over 10 gals)
went to have lunch at AJISEN with beloved(wei jian), carol, yeanlin and TZE YANG(gal's daddy)
heehees. BEST PARTNER!. lols.
suddenly miss the good old days in secondary sch.
the days i spent with them are so GREAT!.
far better than poly life i guess.
maybe good is equal to simple. lols.
slack and went to meet jiexian they all. hees. JOURNEY TO THE AMK...
meet up with almost all my classmates from primary school!..
i was so shocked to see the malay gals as well!.
i never know that Yu Hang is so good at contacting the old mates!.
hees. really need to thank him.
hees. i hope he read this. but actually it is alright. (:
didn't do anything much. was steating around, chatting and gossiping. lols.
but its great. great time recalling all the fun memories. hee.
before going home, we went to take photos. lol. BIG COLLECTION MAN. lols.
GRP photos. however, we have missing ppl.
these are the few that stay throughout the whole section. lols.


she's so PRETTY! lols

he's still single!.
GALS, here's ur chance!lols
The maths expert.
Dont get the wrong idea. we are just friends.
dont forget..
i'm ATTACHED!. lols.
shogun took it.
Thank you shogun!. lols.

lalalas. after the last paper, maths stats 1, together with yangyang korkor(weiyang), Daddy/uncle(weihao) and akmal to basketball court!. hees.
have a good time dere.
lols. and and and. we play a match with the BMS class.!. hees. was so fun!.
my team handicap still win them luh!. lols. cos i'm a gal. gal equals to cannot do anything. so like this lor. didn't really play. but they are fun!.
actually didn't like them at first. cos thee hit my HEAD with the green basketball!.
but after the match i think they are OKAY. lols.
was having cramps the next day. but huh? anyway, that day was a nice one too.
didn't have so much fun for the pass few weeks.
maybe its due to stress.
anyway, not i've a new trouble.
i didn't know what to work or not!.
lols. will be thinking this over these two days. monday gonna find job if i really want to work. lols.
Friday, August 22, 2008
To All my dearest friends....
Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late. I don't want to let that happen so I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Hmmm. Next week study week.
Last and Only chance for me to sudy Hard HARD HARD.
after this sem, i think can slack le.
STress luh!. aiyo yo.
didn't seem to be able to concentrate much on my studies.
so mani distractions!.
Comp, radio, games, movie!.
take all this out of my hus and i think i'm gone. lols
see. i'm still in the mood to write crap here.
guess u know how bored and how urgent-less i am to my studies.
alrights. gtg. needa put all my heart to OC and BioChem.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
what should i say?17/19. Hey hey. not trying to show off.
but that careless mistake make mi lose 2 marks.
I saw the arrow WRONGLY.
arrgh. so angry luh!. lols. but its okay!. at least i know i have the potential to score full marks.
Next week is STUDY WEEK.
gonna go sch EVERYDAY for revision lectures.
tired. I thought study week is for us to stay at home to study.
Arrgh. but the good thing is i can Eat and Slp as much as i want After the EXAMS!.
Hurray!.. Hip Hip HURRAY. lols
Was taking 168 back home and was "caught" dating with Ding Cheng.
hmmm. what should i say... my primary sch from Yvonne saw us.
hahs. conicidence huh?
i thought so too.lalala.
okays. so all my primary sch mates know that alrdy. lalala.
Anyway, today is a LOVELY DAY.
Muacks. i love ya~~...
My PlayLand...
Friday, August 08, 2008
ARRGH. i dont know how to do luh!.
11 marks gone!. Gone GONE!.
OC worst?!?
I saw the arrow WRONGLY.
its suppose to point upwards, but instead i thought it POINTED downwards!.
WTH. arrgh. everything is so bad today.
EXCEPT that....
Hubby and I went to watch THE MUMMY.
heees. muacks. love him so much luh!. hees.
LA LA. its so sweet. hees.
No yinjie. u have to control urself.!.
u can't relay on him too much nia. if not next time u can't live without him!.
yo yo yo!.
yeah. lols.
anyway, today ended nicely if its not my mum nagging.
(: everything is COOL. lols.
gtg. goodnights. MUACKS!.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
BLinky. hees.
Hubby make honey-berries for mi!.
heard of strawberries in honey?U gotto try it!.
Sweetness in honey blend with abit of sour-y taste in strawberries! Heavenly combination!
at the end, gup down the honey syrup!. You will miss the taste even if its just ONE SECOND!
lols. oh man. this suddenly sounded like an advertisment. hees.
anyway, it is really nice.
hmmm. come to think of it, i think tat is the onli day i enjoyed in that week.
rest of the week is STUDY and STUDY and STUDY.
lols. i suddenly have this thinking "i'll just find a rich guy and get married!" lols.
Stupid huh? See. its So stressed to be studying, even if its just poly.No time for u to slack.
once u try to slack, u can drop from heaven to HELL.
ANd i'm NOT kidding.
alrights. enuff of me talking alrdy.
yea. I know i'm annoying.
lols. 3 tests next week!. 1 one monday and 2 on friday. 8/8! can't even let mi enjoy NATIONAL DAY EVE. blahblahblah. okay. okay.
shall end here.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Oh man!. this blogskin is so so so KAWAII.
hees. love it so much. hmmm. i wonder if i can get the barney song.
so i can put it here!. MUAHAHAHA. its so fun!. next week have lots of test as well. first HAP, second Biochem. SIAN. this two i-not-good subjects. eh..
its so bored to stay home!.
lols. blahblah..
Muacks. i love u, this blogs. hees.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Lisa And WaiEng
ShiNing and WeiHao
Charlene(black plastic spects)
We are on our way to E!hub. lols.
looks fun huh?!
Anyway, Sabrina started this "Bus hair salon".
and i think we gonna do this "salon" thingy for our ccn day.lols.
Drying her hair after washing it.