Hello!.. so long never post. just got back my comp ytd night.
hahs. Miss YA!..
here is a few pictures that i didn't hab time to upload over the few months.
O.A.M.C is having a party at lao ban's condo.
WaWa, Wai Hong, Mie and Qin Hui.

Mie and candy(Hees).

Candy, Alice

at malaysia during cheena new year.
the Auntie's Kid, kid.. lols.

Genting on chirstmas..

Jian wen... the onli guy i know who dare to play everything in genting theme park with mi!..hahs.

My Birthday become a play for ppl to gamble. lols.
so wonderful!. hahs.

Yanping and yvonne by my side!..miss them

lols.. sweet sixteen to mi!..