Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
tagboard is refreshed. Deleted more than 20 tags. Hees.
Had been thinking about how these people polluted the tagboard. this is suppose to be a place for kid. hehs. "kid".
anyway, my saddist mind is bringing mi somewhere else. This morning when i wake up, my brain is full of/ filled with what steven say. disregard him as a friend. i totally agree to it. feel like punching him. its like why should he say such things when he wasn't even suppose to be involved? and why must it be MY tagboard. say it somewhere else luh!. hmmm, untill now i'm still confused. who is hancock, avatar and blah blah blah. irritated. I know this hancock or whatever is a supporter of yang. shan't care abt that guy. he is weird. Back to the punching steven. inorder to satisfy my needs, i've imagined a new arcade machine. Its super high-tech. basically a game to be a boxer. When you enter the game zone, you are a boxer. Somehow like wii, but this game involve whole body. facing the screen, you are suppose to hit ur opponent like what they did in real game, untill the guy cannot stand up anymore. All the rules apply. If you are hit by the opponent, there is a immobilization of 0.5 secs. The high-tech system will stop your movement. This means you cannot move, not they cannot sense your attack. Also, VS mode is available.
WHAHAHAHA. its so interesting. lols. sweet dreams like this is always a good start in morning. lols.
its AMIC term test later!! and WHAT AM I DOING?? blogging? suan le. really dont feel like studying. so tired.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
A- Akmal
B-Wei Yang
C- Wai Eng
D- Yin Jie
E- Charlene.
I shall apologise for B and C cos their relationship should be enclosed. BUT taggers had ask mi to write their names. So too bad.
And also..
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Characters involved :
A (bestfriend of B)
B (goodfriend of A)
C (Ex-galfriend of B)
D (friend of E)
E (friend of D)
Episode 1 - During Mbio lab
Everyone is chatting around waiting for the eletrophoresis process to end. D, E and some other friends helping to do some design work. finally, Richard( lecture's name), called the whole class to gather around a UV emitting machine. He said we must take picture of the bands so we can do the lab report after all these practical sections. he switched off the lights and people started to crowd around the machine. Person A finish taking the picture and stand around the machine chatting. As teacher say UV will cause lots of damaged to the DNA, we need to work quickly. so D decided to ask A to move away. Her tone wasn't nice, infact, it was harsh. She said : "A, if you have finish taking the photo can u move away so the others can take?" person A moved however, he wasn't happy abt it. He kept in his heart.
We continued with the practical. at 1 point of the practical, we are suppose to centrifudged all the tubes. It has been a long time since everyone has placed the centrifudged tubes in the centrifudge machine. Person A volunteer to help the class do centrifudgation, however, he just stood there waiting. D saw it and wasn't sure what A was doing. So D went up to A, asking what is A waiting for. A replied, "i'm waiting for him." Pointing to Richard. D was puzzled. Richard is busy doing the agarose gel, if he were to wait for him, we shall never complete our centrifugation. So D told A to start as richard is busy. A is not convinced, so he ask Richard "can we start the centrifugation?" and Richard replied Yes. Not knowing how long to centrifugde, A ask D. D went to read the protocol and it says 1 min. Thinking that its 1 min, D went back to tell A. There are witness around and supported the idea of 1 min. A press the start button, while D went to her bench.
After awhile, D heard A shouting. saying "D, its all because of you that delayed the whole class.Ask you to wait u say start start. it's 10mins NOT 1 min." Thinking that A is just playing around, D went to him and say : "protocol says 1 min. you can choose not to believe. " not losing out, A replied "Why you never listen to what teacher say?!" D is boiling inside and she said " I didn't listen? YOU ALSO NEVER LISTEN. if u did, you won't even need to ask mi. " after saying that, D was pulled away by her friends.
This tension stretched to the next day. A didn't come to sch. D was still curious why A is so hot tempered. She went up to B and from B, she knows that A is still angry over what D had told her to move away. D realized that her tone wasn't good. Also, D discovered a second scorce that cause A to explode. through these 2 years together, A seldom get upsad that easily. And what makes him explode is because his reputation and image infront of lecturer is lost. D did some thinking and agree to it. A is always circulating a lecturer, acting as if he is a very good student. In short, D call it boot-licker.
First Episode shall end here...
Second Episode - Amic Assay
D,E and other friends are a group, while A,B,C, together with other ppl are a grp. During Amic tutorial, 2 weeks before submission, teacher ask the class to split into groups of 5. every group should do different topic. knowing what to do, E's group told the class they are doing on "DENGUE". while A's grp decide to do water borne pathogen. Satisfied, the class dispersed. Submission of the Assay is just 1 week later, E decided to discuss it during lecture. C,D,E are chatting. so E ask C, "what is your grp doing for the assay?" C replied "we doing Dengue". BOMB EXPLODED. this time round is 2 bombs. E and D expressed their unhappiness and tell C's grp off. C knew that E's grp choose dengue first so C scolded A and B. A and B very unhappy. so they didn't talk to C and ignore C for the whole day. E and D also decide to change their topic. they were furious but to think far, they change the topic and let A,B and C have "dengue".
On Monday, 30-11-09
Submission date of Amic Assay. During pratical lesson, A and B gave black face throughout the lab. They did not talk to anyone who was once in his clique. Both of them just went away like nobody's business. D and E still finds it ridiculous. "How come they are angry? We should be the one who is angry. They steal our topic and still dare to show us black face?" And Soon, D and E feels that A and B is angry at C for scolding them.
however, that isn't true. Following day, Tuesday, A,B and C starting talking. But A and B still refuse to talk to the others, ppl who are in the clique. C, as a mediator, told E and D that A and B is not talking to them becos they are angry at them. Feeling weirder, E and D didn't know what they do that makes them angry. They also never clear up the doubts becos it isn't fair at all. At least, this is what D thinks. They drifted away just like this and they expect E and D to go up to them.
Episode ends.....
Episode 3. new character, WeiHao- 02/12/09
its wei hao's birthday and we're having 4 hrs break!. A was arranged to meet his care-person so the rest waited for him in the library. mean-while, E went to print her designs. after more than 15mins, A and B is still not done. C said "i've recieved a msg from B and he ask us to go ahead first. they'll catch up with us." Happily, they went to KFC near interchange. A and B still didn't turn up even everyone has finish their meals. C recieved a msg from B and it says, "i'm very disappointed with you. you did not wait for us. i expected u to wait. and u left. i dont care abt anything, i'm only concerned if u wait for us. Another thing is you lie to me. You say u are at the bus-stop opposite KFC. We are here and you say you all are at interchange." NOTE. Us refers to A and B. and this is not the exact SMS, meaning close to. As this msg is read out, the grp is very disappointed. it's Weihao's birthday! as a friend they should have appear no matter what happen but becos of C not waiting for them and the typo error in msg, they fail to celebrate weihao's birthday. This also shows how important C is to B. All B can think is C. To them, wei hao is no one. This may be not true but evidence proved this. They have failed to do the basic of being a friend.
In lectures, A and B did not sit with the grp.
Episode 4 ends.
Episode 5, MSN CHAT on the same day, 2/12/09
At night, B communicated with D and E on msn. He apologised first, in which D and E still can't figured out why. He told D and E that he and A is very angry that they talk bad abt them behind their back. D and E asked what they say. And to their surprise, B say he can't rmb. "Too many times alrdy, i can't rmb." D replied "so you are angry with something you've forgotten?" B tries to denie it and eventually ask D and E to forget about everything that has happen and be friends again. E closed the conversation once she saw that sentence. She never reply. However, D replied. She wanna know what B had heard from them. Forced and finally he said. "A told mi that u all say i angry over small things. U are not there i think. and i told A you all say he suck up to lecturer." D and E has been on another conversation telling each other what B is telling them. After E knew abt it, E said: "i've regreted not to say it directly to them." D replied B, asking if what he wanted D and E to say his bad points directly to his face. B replied with "we're in the same clique, why backstab ppl who are in the same clique?" D ask him "so u think we're in the same clique." B is simple minded. he mistook the meaning and felt silent as he thought D and E never took him as friend in this big grp. What D wanted to express is this: " If you think we are in the same grp, why did u drift away just like that. Are we nothing to u? Are we just a saving boat to you? when u need us, we are here. And when you dont, you treat us this way. You call urself part of this clique?" In the end, B still didn't reply the question on whether he want D and E to say all that directly to him or to say it behind his back. E say no point talking to him that much. just tell him "When your friend has problems, they go to friends. Just happen that you are the problem and there is no way we can approached you becos you can never take fact. This is why we turn to the others." and Finally B replies :"we just dont want ppl to talk behind our back." He never dares to face the fact.
End of Episode 5......
More episodes are on their way!..
D- Yinjie
yes, everyone, D is ME!. i've so much to say. i was so angry yesterday night when he say all that to me!. when someone backstab you, he/she wants others to hate you. We merely talk abt you and A when you 2 did something very annoying. Shouting at mi during practical lesson becos his plan of boot-licking fails? what is this?! And ALSO, if you never do anything wrong, why are u so affected by our words? are u angry becos its all fake? or are u angry becos u think you have no flaws and now ppl see all ur flaws? U WANT to control our mouth, BUT U CAN'T. and also, CAN YOU SWEAR that u never mention us in any of ur conversation with ur friends? U CALL THIS BACKSTABBING? use words that you know the full meaning of please!.
Phew. this is so exciting. most exciting year in poly.
Colour codes.Blue: Directed to B.
Red: Sub-title
Yellow: NOTES
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I didn't know how bad it is untill i saw this.
What has the world becoming to be? U call all these humans? i can hardly believe my eyes. Couldn't believe how they can hide their conscious. it pains mi to see these lovely creature got slaughtered.
What harm did they do to us? Why these ppl have to do this!
Now i hope 2012 is true. to get all these ppl out of this world, even if it takes to sacrifice some good ppl.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The seatin plan suck. we're his family and there is no place for us to sit!.
WOW. in the end they split us up. Dad sit at the VIP table and throw us at other table.
With ppl we dont know!. How wonderful is it.
The food isn't that good too. but can still be ingested.
wasn't a good day but what to do?
let bygone be bygone. (:
looking forward to everyday!.
So lovely.
Friday, October 16, 2009
watched this movie with my beloved sister.
the plot was lousy. should say dont enjoy that much after knowing who the killer is.
but the method of killing is good.
i still can't believe how a ordinary guy can have that kind of strength and accuracy.
overall, 3 stars for this movie. (:
Oh man. believe it or not, the pics taken are toys for kids.
seriously, kids nowadays have better life than mine.
A sushi maker as a toy?! wow. by the way, the sushi can be eaten!.
its tempting. feel like buying one to play. hahas.
its expensive! 39.90 for 1.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
tml is the last day of drp. gonna miss my team mates. ):
during the past week, i've been doing bradford assay. nothing else.
it may seem boring, but i think its fun to a certain extend. at least, i have a great time eating lunch with my grp mates and fool around. hees.
wondering if i'm going to continue this drp. trying to imagine another 2 weeks doing the same old thing again. BORED? i think so.lols
Drp is fun!. got to know new ppl.
and there is phen wei!. he is cute. my motivation to go drp. hahs.
but this little secret got away and now all my team mates say when they see him is "Yinjie! HE IS HERE!" so MALU!.
how i wish i can go back to the past. the day where i didn't stare and stun when he enter the lab.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
If its not today, i wouldn't have know how much i miss swimming. the feeling of water flowing, so refreshing, so cooling. hahs. how i hope i can sleep in water. lols. went to have mac for lunch!. FINALLY. i've been craving for mac for the past few days!. and YES. i get to eat it!!. lols. although its fattening. hees. borrowed a book from library. the book is cool. " A tale about the wicked stepmother." This book tells us the story behind being a wicked stepmother of snow white. in other words, what are the things or events happened that causes the stepmother to be wicked. this book is produced by disney press. gonna enjoy the book after reading my love story. hahs!.
21th Sept- Happy Birthday to Yin Wai aka Wai Wai
My lovely sister!. she is 19!. thought it would be a special day for her, but she didn't really feel that way. i'm happy that she is awake for mi to return home after work and sing birthday song to her.
20th Sept- Happy birthday to Avril ( my small cousin)
her parents booked 2 tables at jumbo seafood restaurant for their dear girl. Avril's first Birthday!. My mum and Her mum said she look totally like me when i was young. hahs. So cute. I'm not saying i'm cute, thats what the mummys say. hahs. The mum was like "if she can grow up to be like ah jie, she'll be damn pretty" hahas!. WHAHAHA. okay fine!. stop saying i'm pretty, just incase u feel like vomiting. lols. the dinner is good!. the rice, the fish, the crab. its all nice. but compare to the home cook food, its nothing. over at the restaurant, i felt so out of place!. step-grandma keep singing brithday song to avril. ITS NON-stop. i nearly want to laugh. if i was the child, i'll probably think that she is insane. lols. opps. I'M SO SORRY. shouldn't have say such things. anyway, the cake is picked by mi!. so pretty and nice. (:
12th Sept ZOO trip- Johnathan, Rui You, Ernest, Shenda(brother), Yin Wai(sister) and ME!