13th March FRIDAYwent to Yu hang's BBQ. hmmm okay la. its quite boring since we(cheng and me) didn't know many ppl there. nothing to talk to mah. lols.
11th March ResultsRecieve it through SMS. not fantastic AT ALL. GPA worst than last sem. suan le.
not going to say much.
4th March PARTY WORLDWent to party world with Charlene, Yang, Hao, Wai Eng and Lisa. hees had a great time there.
although i feel that i keep holding on to the mic. abit too much.
hahas. watever! its the past!. lol. after that went to fast east! shop shop shop but none bought a thing. subway for dinner! hees. that day i wasted $40 bucks altogether. lols.
2nd March Party worldwoodlands. enjoyable (: