就让我来发发牢骚!妈妈真的是太太太溺爱弟弟了。今早妈妈忘了买土地爷爱喝的咖啡,就吵着要我们下去买。我们就不愿意啊。大姐说我们还没洗澡,如果急就让弟弟下去买。我很是赞成,因为懒惰呗。但我妈却说:“弟弟不会买等会儿买错了不是浪费钱吗?”问题来了。你们一定以为我弟弟还小,顶多十四岁。大家猜错了!我弟弟可是十八岁了!十八岁的一个大男孩既然不知道怎么买包装咖啡!这是哪门子的笑话啊?就这样我姐跟妈理论起来:“又不是每个人一出生就会买东西。不学怎么会呢?为什么你总是只让弟弟做他懂得事而不让他接触他不懂的呢?”在这里我要说我弟弟决不是什么智障儿。他脑袋清醒,四肢发达,现在在理工学院就读。我妈就是看不惯我们成天想“欺负”他而常常跟我们“作对”。 之后姐姐说不过她也就丢下一句:“好啦我去”。 但我妈也没就此结束她问了我弟一句:“你会倒垃圾吗?会还不去倒!”嗨哟我的天啊!这根本就不是问题啊!我现在都还在想,我妈妈到底知不知道问题在哪里?根本就是因为她只让我弟弟做他会的东西啊!!!
这也让我想起昨天她荒谬的回答。昨天我去见工了。是一个补习中心的工作。老板说他需要我能在补习中心待一年因为一旦开了我的班如果换老师会对学生不好。考试期间也不能停。就因为这个条件让我苦恼了很久。回家我想找妈妈聊聊,还真没想到她给我的回答是:“兼职工不都应该这样吗?最少也要做个一两年吧?” 所谓对牛谈情,她根本就没给我意见。在无可忍的地步下我说了:“你不觉得你说的没帮助吗?你既然拿我和你朋友相比?你不觉得你应该问问我是不是需要这份工?学业上会有问题吗?不然去找一些短暂的工?”其实这也是些我爱听的话。我不是说她一定要这样说但我没想到她既然会说我根本不想做工! 算了,一切都过了。
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Nigel 终于回信了,但我没回。就当我睡了吧。很晚了,你也睡吧!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
I had this little problem of having loose stools every other day. The first time I had it was about 1.5 years ago? or slightly longer. Anyway, I found out that my body don't seem to digest some of the food I take. That day I was working, felt a sudden pain or contract like feeling in my stomach, went to toilet and as the liquid stools came out, a papaya smell accompanied with it. I took a look and saw my stools were orange and disgusting. Conclusion, the papaya I ate the previous day wasn't digested and came out like how it was chewed.
I went to a specialist and it cost me $75 if I am not wrong. Anyway, the doctor told me there can only be two possibilities. 1) bacteria in my intestine depleted hence not enough microbes to help digest the food. 2) Cancer. He added that for my age cancer is not possible. I understand why he said that because for cancer to occur, mutations must happen. And mutations came with exposure of carcinogenic stuff and usually takes time for mutation to occur. Therefore, it can only be the first reason. I tried taking Yakult after that but I guess it doesn't help. Constipation still occur, loose stools released every other day. I didn't go back for more consultations with the doctor. First is money, second is no willing to.
Recently, I tried to stop eating chilli. And I guess this helps. At least now I experience some solid stools now and then. But I simply love chilli too much! How can someone survive without chilli? it whet's one appetite. I have to stop! Just now, i had loose stools again. I msg Nigel and he is like super duper concern about it. That makes me wonder, i told him this situation before and he cared no less. Why suddenly this reaction? I told him about the money issue and cancer and bacteria. I guess all he heard was the money and cancer. So he offered to lend me and then ask me to go check up tml. Arrgh. I have my principles! and the first one says, NO BORROWING of money!. yeah, and I don't intend to break it in near future. Till now, I still haven't reply his " Go tml". One shouldn't take life or death too seriously. I can't predict the future, and therefore I feel that if its time for me to go, I will have to go. Nothing is gonna stop it.
Such a pessimistic person. Yeah. And I agree to it. Next year I will go for the check up. Not because of cancer. But because cleaning up my backside after the loose stools are simply too irritating! lols.
Goodnights babe.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
First Job call From AIA.
Thought I could make it but its at Tanjong pagar! Traveling time would be twice my working time. They are looking for telemarketers. Speak on the phone, do surveys. BTW, that woman has got a nice voice and is less demanding than Malaysians. My opinion, she's a Singaporean. Hahs!
Anyway, this is a good start. 1 call and i guess subsequent calls will come! and hopefully I can get interesting jobs. God bless me! I know you will.
Thought I could make it but its at Tanjong pagar! Traveling time would be twice my working time. They are looking for telemarketers. Speak on the phone, do surveys. BTW, that woman has got a nice voice and is less demanding than Malaysians. My opinion, she's a Singaporean. Hahs!
Anyway, this is a good start. 1 call and i guess subsequent calls will come! and hopefully I can get interesting jobs. God bless me! I know you will.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
First English language post since several months ago!? Anyway, this morning I am such a good girl. Helped to vacuum and mop the floor. The tiles are SPARKING clean now!
Today is Ding Yang's Birthday! I don't think i will remember him after I graduate from NTU. Therefore, i should write exactly who he is. We joined salsa at the same time and we have the exact fair skin! Thats all. I shall publish this little present that I make for him in 15mins. Seriously, I am proud of myself. I have unleashed this little designer in me and made this picture for him. Oops, i think i should make it more specific. I searched google for the lollipop and and added the fonts myself. Wait, does this make this picture mine? Errrr..... hmmmm.. I think I shouldn' t take others credit.

Ta Dannnnnnnnn~ Cute little photo. (:
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Thursday, October 06, 2011
今早我很早就起身了,被爸爸吵醒。我发觉我全家人都有点变态。总看不惯有人的一天比他们晚开始所以如果你睡得比较迟一些些,就有人来你床是出怪招要你起身。就算你抗议但只要你有意识的回答问题他们就会放过你。就像今天,我爸近来了:阿洁怎么还没起身?今天不用上课吗?我迷迷糊糊中回答:“没学校”又回去睡了。别以为他就这么让我睡了。他还继续问:"没学校?你学校难不成倒了吗?”哦!我快疯了。之后就回答一句:是没课。他或许故意没听见就一直跟我姐吱吱咋咋的说我学校倒了!我姐结果受不了说了一句"shut up lah" 而我爸爸就像只受了打击的小鸟,在一帮发笑。呵呵。现在想起来我爸还真可爱。刚刚在Facebook和大姐聊了这件事,她说她还真怕爸爸大发雷霆呢!但还好,我爸有点古怪不当一会儿事。
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