got up quite early cos was excited abt todays event.
needa reach sch by 7.40am to board a bus to yishun orchid country club..hahs..
i think thats the place where by commoners can't go in. onli ppl in high position hab a place in there. hahs.Ben send us there using a van..
he is so cold and so stiff.. didn't joke, didn't tok much.. the onli thing he said on the bus was..."how mani more monkeys are coming?" he suck!... how dare he look down on kids!...opps. i mean ladies and gentlemen. finally we set off to that place.
all the kids(i mean KIDS) were already warming up and prepared for the swimming competition. Another guy gave 8 of us stopwatches. the other 2 are suppose to look if any kids struggle in the pool and hab to save short..(life guards) this postition goes Vivian and Geraldine!!!....
hahas..the rest of us(yen sen,Johnathan, Sidd, Phylisia, Lijun, Sok Eng, Gladys and mi) hab to stand at the ending point. hahs...the sun was super hot!...all got tanned..hahs. the heat begins starting off with 7 and below freestyle 50 lane won!. hahs...den all the way to butterfly 50m... is so boring. was sweating like hell but for the $20, i'm WILLING!...hahas...
this is a very tough job.. hab to tolerate some inconsiderate ppl for slashing water at mi.. lucky they got say sorry..if not, heh heh heh...i'll KILL THEm.. lols.
it was 12.30 when they end everything.. but bad news....we can't get the money...
the person in charge didn't come and didn't tell other coaches tat we ARE paid for helping the other guy told us he will give us the money ASAP...
overall today was fun.. FUn!...really Fun..i didn't hab so much fun since like years or months ago..lols...
today is so enjoyable!!!!...
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
haiz...hab band practise today...
my band is still trying to figure the notes!!...OMG...haiz...silver seem like a impossible stuff.
ARRGH...i feeling like killing pple... i wanna skin someone alive and that person is yen... i dont know whats wrong with her...
she is simply an asshole. okays...i said this in the blog to brainwash ppl.. hahs..
i really dont know what to say.. i can't face her..i just dont hab to courage to face her!.!..
life wouldn't be so difficult if i hab kill her.. hahs..
and my bro told mi keng make a face when i said i can't go for dinner..
i am NOT going to apologise becos i think i am not in the wrong!.
1st thing..i called two ppl and this two didn't pick up the call.. the other one didn't even reply my msg. hahs... fine.. i called the third person and he said no one is going for dinner..oh...okays...den i dont go.. when i was one stop before the place, keng called..he asked if i was going. i said NO. tat's all. i hab forgotten wat i said after that. hahs..
maybe u may think that i am unreasonable. but thats it or not, i'm not going to CHANGE...not even a thing!!!!!
my band is still trying to figure the notes!!...OMG...haiz...silver seem like a impossible stuff.
ARRGH...i feeling like killing pple... i wanna skin someone alive and that person is yen... i dont know whats wrong with her...
she is simply an asshole. okays...i said this in the blog to brainwash ppl.. hahs..
i really dont know what to say.. i can't face her..i just dont hab to courage to face her!.!..
life wouldn't be so difficult if i hab kill her.. hahs..
and my bro told mi keng make a face when i said i can't go for dinner..
i am NOT going to apologise becos i think i am not in the wrong!.
1st thing..i called two ppl and this two didn't pick up the call.. the other one didn't even reply my msg. hahs... fine.. i called the third person and he said no one is going for dinner..oh...okays...den i dont go.. when i was one stop before the place, keng called..he asked if i was going. i said NO. tat's all. i hab forgotten wat i said after that. hahs..
maybe u may think that i am unreasonable. but thats it or not, i'm not going to CHANGE...not even a thing!!!!!
YEAH YEE!...finally got back my keyboard.hahs...
so sorry to carol... cos i wrote something she doesn't understand in the tagboard.hahs..
i will say how the game CAROL. PAY ATTENTION!...
there will be 3 grps, the Kinght, Babarian and Red Indians.
Babarian attack by saying..."HuGaShaGa HuGaShaGa PUI PUI PUI" in other ppl's tagboard.
the person must reply "UM UM UM...Yummy!!."..
Red Indians will attack the person by saying..."AHUHUHU Tun Tun Tun" so the person kanna this will hab to react with..."GAUP GAUP PAIK!.."
Kinght attack saying..."May The Force Be With U" so the other ppl will reply..."AH Wa A Cheu!Bo Tai Ji"(this hand...Nothing wrong.ahas..)
okays..after the person defend, he/she must continue the game by going another friends blog to post...of cos...pls tell ur friend wats their character...Clashes may result to DEATH(just joking.)hahas...hab FUn!...
so sorry to carol... cos i wrote something she doesn't understand in the tagboard.hahs..
i will say how the game CAROL. PAY ATTENTION!...
there will be 3 grps, the Kinght, Babarian and Red Indians.
Babarian attack by saying..."HuGaShaGa HuGaShaGa PUI PUI PUI" in other ppl's tagboard.
the person must reply "UM UM UM...Yummy!!."..
Red Indians will attack the person by saying..."AHUHUHU Tun Tun Tun" so the person kanna this will hab to react with..."GAUP GAUP PAIK!.."
Kinght attack saying..."May The Force Be With U" so the other ppl will reply..."AH Wa A Cheu!Bo Tai Ji"(this hand...Nothing wrong.ahas..)
okays..after the person defend, he/she must continue the game by going another friends blog to post...of cos...pls tell ur friend wats their character...Clashes may result to DEATH(just joking.)hahas...hab FUn!...
Friday, March 23, 2007 held community meeting. it is disaster!..
so mani ppl don't wan to cooperate. lucky two years later all the seniors will graduate...3 cheers for them...HIP HIP HURRAY!...HIP HIP HURRY. HIP HIP HURRAY!!!..
parents went to sch to take report book...hahs...i guess u know what's their reaction..hee...
no more computer ler... cos tml onwards, the keyboard will be gone! say we can onli play when he is around(equals to no comp..he hate ppl the play comp!)OH MY!...
i dont know how i'm going to survive weekends without comp!...haiz.
shall end here with...
but remember to SMILE!...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
left 3 weeks untill the excited...i was wondering whether i will get to see my NCO camp ppls!!...hahas...
so sorry to LEE KENG YIP!...
ps him just now cos hab to eat with sorry!...
during dinner, my sister start to tok abt her practise in CO.. she said they play the song..."LOU XIANG SHI TIAN TANG" we started to tok abt our childhood. hahs.. the days we were at Bedok and the old house... hahs... was so embarass to tok abt it. hahs.. my sis put her ice-cream in the bag...and it melt inside. lols. she was 8 then.. my mum say she regreted when my sis did that...cos she say when we were young, she didn't let us touch any cold things. and a result, we wont know that ICE CREAM can MELT!...hahas...
was stupid..yet fun...but my dad wasn't in the childhood memory. hahs... i said this and he said" yah...cos all the time i was working." lols... i thought he did be sad...lols...
okays...shall end here...
left 3 weeks untill the excited...i was wondering whether i will get to see my NCO camp ppls!!...hahas...
so sorry to LEE KENG YIP!...
ps him just now cos hab to eat with sorry!...
during dinner, my sister start to tok abt her practise in CO.. she said they play the song..."LOU XIANG SHI TIAN TANG" we started to tok abt our childhood. hahs.. the days we were at Bedok and the old house... hahs... was so embarass to tok abt it. hahs.. my sis put her ice-cream in the bag...and it melt inside. lols. she was 8 then.. my mum say she regreted when my sis did that...cos she say when we were young, she didn't let us touch any cold things. and a result, we wont know that ICE CREAM can MELT!...hahas...
was stupid..yet fun...but my dad wasn't in the childhood memory. hahs... i said this and he said" yah...cos all the time i was working." lols... i thought he did be sad...lols...
okays...shall end here...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
SPORTS DAY...WINNER GOES TO BOLD HOUSE!!! hahas..we were told that the score was so close that if one got second place instead of first, we will lose..hahs..
the cheer leaders were so SEXY...althought some can dance, some can't but they all did a good job!!hahs...
after the event when to yoshinoya to eat.was with shu yue, kah yen, sheena, yu rong, wanda and wan shin. hab been so long since we ate together. hahs....hao huan nian a!!!...lols..after that went to shop abit. hahs. pelyn, yinghong, sarah, emily, jolene and i took pictures...and of cos not forgeting the others!!!....
Sarah,Emily,Jolene,Pelyn and mi...
the cheer leaders were so SEXY...althought some can dance, some can't but they all did a good job!!hahs...
after the event when to yoshinoya to eat.was with shu yue, kah yen, sheena, yu rong, wanda and wan shin. hab been so long since we ate together. hahs....hao huan nian a!!!...lols..after that went to shop abit. hahs. pelyn, yinghong, sarah, emily, jolene and i took pictures...and of cos not forgeting the others!!!....

below:u should know.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
didn't post for few days...i bet mani ppl are missing mi. hahs.
today went to ah ma's hus to clean her bedroom for her... change her bedroom setting and clear one room out...she say she wan to rent tat room out too... hab dinner at her hus den go home.
borrow two box of comics home!!..hahs...
gonna stuck inside comics again. hahs.
just finish BA WANG AI REN...
the story line was nice...althought mani say it was typical. but i really like this way he put those character together.. and the ending. it was a sad ending. hahs..
tml sch reopen. i'm not really for it. i hab english work not finish, amaths work not done. and chinese...i did it and didn't am i gonna face mdm fong??haiz!...(relax...breath in, breath out)the is always a way. hahs.. gonna lie to her abt the truth... nah... this isn't the first tyme i'm lying.. so is okay. hahs..
end here...going to play maple...hahs...
today went to ah ma's hus to clean her bedroom for her... change her bedroom setting and clear one room out...she say she wan to rent tat room out too... hab dinner at her hus den go home.
borrow two box of comics home!!..hahs...
gonna stuck inside comics again. hahs.
just finish BA WANG AI REN...
the story line was nice...althought mani say it was typical. but i really like this way he put those character together.. and the ending. it was a sad ending. hahs..
tml sch reopen. i'm not really for it. i hab english work not finish, amaths work not done. and chinese...i did it and didn't am i gonna face mdm fong??haiz!...(relax...breath in, breath out)the is always a way. hahs.. gonna lie to her abt the truth... nah... this isn't the first tyme i'm lying.. so is okay. hahs..
end here...going to play maple...hahs...
Pictures time. hee...spend lots of time with these...lols..
this is all minor things tat happen in my life tat make mi happy. hahs...
*out of boredom drew this...i think is during PHYSIC Lesson...
*vivienne drew this. hahas...cute huh??
this is all minor things tat happen in my life tat make mi happy. hahs...
so cool!!!...the onces below too!!!....
*i love this wonderfully done...NEAR TO PERFECT!
is dere anything wrong???I CAN'T SEE IT!!!!...
secretly took a one knows...heehee
*this is so long ago...hahas...i think is at my aunt's birthday...or other chalet??

Sunday, March 11, 2007
CHR band Exchange.
how to say...hmmm...we went dere, settle down den listen to ACS(b) play their pieces. clap den we performed ours. the whole thing was quite boring.
we go up dere, play den sit back the same place.. the whole thing run for 2 rounds den pack up..go home.
i dont like this type of EXCHANGE. i prefer those that everyone sit together den play the same song.. this way we can know how far our standards is from their. also we can boost our confidence if we play better than them.. hmmm..seems like this exchange isn't of any help.
Ytd was also keng yip's birthday. came up with a idea tat after the performance but we are still on stage, sing him a birthday song. MDM NG approve it. den when we reach there..she say.." there are so mani schs here..don't xia suey urself.stop the singing song thing."wha lao.. ask her go eat shit lar. i'm souper angry at that time lar. i mean..we are not going sia suey her wat. sia suey the sch onli wat... haiz..i let it go cos i can't do ANYTHING. but when we are packing up...the other sch start to sing..den MDM NG ask the whole band to sing to keng too!..WTF!.. so sorry..i seldom say this word...but i hab to say it.. she sucks okay? she likes to COPY other ppl and DIDN'T hab a mind of her own!!!./ wonder she not successfull..(SORRY. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY HER...I JUST CAN'T CONTROL.)...
When back to work.
wake up at 8 to get ready. was quite slpy. lols.
the work there was quite relax.
i see all the kids again!! nice..
they are so innocent and pure like angels.(in my mind angels are suppose to be pure.)
hahas..nothing bad happen. is just tat..i miss out a few important things and forgot to take order from a guy..poor thing. he hab to suffer the whole day with empty stomach. i say sorry to him.. and he is quite easy to get along. hahas.
toobad..not my taste..
lols...den tok to Gigi for awhile.she ask mi wat i wan to be when i grow up...i say"dont know" typical answer...den she say wat i'm interested in...i said.."i'm interested in anything that has nothing to do with businness"okays..headache..
den we end the chat..
saw Regina...the kid and vanessa..Regina's sis.
hahas..tis two are super cute.. we tok abt maple. lols.
was quite fun..lucky they still rmb mi after so long. hahs...
oh yeah...and shogun is BHB!!!!...
how to say...hmmm...we went dere, settle down den listen to ACS(b) play their pieces. clap den we performed ours. the whole thing was quite boring.
we go up dere, play den sit back the same place.. the whole thing run for 2 rounds den pack up..go home.
i dont like this type of EXCHANGE. i prefer those that everyone sit together den play the same song.. this way we can know how far our standards is from their. also we can boost our confidence if we play better than them.. hmmm..seems like this exchange isn't of any help.
Ytd was also keng yip's birthday. came up with a idea tat after the performance but we are still on stage, sing him a birthday song. MDM NG approve it. den when we reach there..she say.." there are so mani schs here..don't xia suey urself.stop the singing song thing."wha lao.. ask her go eat shit lar. i'm souper angry at that time lar. i mean..we are not going sia suey her wat. sia suey the sch onli wat... haiz..i let it go cos i can't do ANYTHING. but when we are packing up...the other sch start to sing..den MDM NG ask the whole band to sing to keng too!..WTF!.. so sorry..i seldom say this word...but i hab to say it.. she sucks okay? she likes to COPY other ppl and DIDN'T hab a mind of her own!!!./ wonder she not successfull..(SORRY. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY HER...I JUST CAN'T CONTROL.)...
When back to work.
wake up at 8 to get ready. was quite slpy. lols.
the work there was quite relax.
i see all the kids again!! nice..
they are so innocent and pure like angels.(in my mind angels are suppose to be pure.)
hahas..nothing bad happen. is just tat..i miss out a few important things and forgot to take order from a guy..poor thing. he hab to suffer the whole day with empty stomach. i say sorry to him.. and he is quite easy to get along. hahas.
toobad..not my taste..
lols...den tok to Gigi for awhile.she ask mi wat i wan to be when i grow up...i say"dont know" typical answer...den she say wat i'm interested in...i said.."i'm interested in anything that has nothing to do with businness"okays..headache..
den we end the chat..
saw Regina...the kid and vanessa..Regina's sis.
hahas..tis two are super cute.. we tok abt maple. lols.
was quite fun..lucky they still rmb mi after so long. hahs...
oh yeah...and shogun is BHB!!!!...
Friday, March 09, 2007
BBALL WITH SEC 2 PPL!!...Jun Ming, Blacky, WuKai, CK, Ricky, Shen Da and WAI!...
was so enjoyable.the guys come to my hus to play comp. Maple can't play so they play MY game...SDO..
blacky sure can play...he is super!!!...den he make a comment.."this is harder than playing maple" lols...
Rick can't really play but was still better then my bro..
saw the CO juniors.. OMG..THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!..
hahas...saw nigel's recruit..lols.the are so sociable..and cute..
they even teach mi how to play di zi!!..hahas..
this was the best part of the day. lols.
mdm ng was dere so hab to RESPECT her. i think my band ppl will know wat it means. hahas... she says she wanna hear our slower rehearse the slower part. hhaiz...was in a mess.. but can't say too much. PPL WILL BACK STAB U DE...hahas.. learn my lesson... getting late...GUYS...NITES...
was so enjoyable.the guys come to my hus to play comp. Maple can't play so they play MY game...SDO..
blacky sure can play...he is super!!!...den he make a comment.."this is harder than playing maple" lols...
Rick can't really play but was still better then my bro..
saw the CO juniors.. OMG..THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!..
hahas...saw nigel's recruit..lols.the are so sociable..and cute..
they even teach mi how to play di zi!!..hahas..
this was the best part of the day. lols.
mdm ng was dere so hab to RESPECT her. i think my band ppl will know wat it means. hahas... she says she wanna hear our slower rehearse the slower part. hhaiz...was in a mess.. but can't say too much. PPL WILL BACK STAB U DE...hahas.. learn my lesson... getting late...GUYS...NITES...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
no school today!!...heehee...
went to sch with blank mind.hahas..
early in the morning got scolding from MissLim cos a few ppl didn't bring the Giro form and is the last day.after that, coach Ernest, start the whole workshop.
this guy is super FUN, NOSY but ADORABLE.
hahas... he is good looking and was so sociable!...hahas.
the onli thing is that....HE IS SHORT.
hahas..i was about his height...lols
the whole workshop started off with ice- breaker game. hahas.
ppl were to get punishment for losing.
jolene was so good in the game tat i lose to her can hab to go for the punishment.
EW!! is so awful.. hahas..
Rui you lost too.. so we do the "actions" together..
this is how it goes...Ernest say a action and we hab to follow.. so first...he goes..."put ur hands up, palm together. and goes shaking down". lols. so embarrasing!!!..
this is onli the first stage...the second stage is".....palm together, chest out and shaking down". third stage"....chest out, butt out and shaking down." hahas and the final one..."....butt out, tongue out and shaking down"...OMG!!...hahas...i can imagine how i look like from far...I SUCK!!..
we go for recess and den after tat start a new topic...presenter was still Ernest.. hahas..
after the whole thing, he call us to stay back and take photo. this is the first tyme the whole klass are in a picture other than class photo... it was so lovely...
we all look stupid cos we dont know when the hp start taking the photo. was set at selftimer mode. lols.
went to sch with blank mind.hahas..
early in the morning got scolding from MissLim cos a few ppl didn't bring the Giro form and is the last day.after that, coach Ernest, start the whole workshop.
this guy is super FUN, NOSY but ADORABLE.
hahas... he is good looking and was so sociable!...hahas.
the onli thing is that....HE IS SHORT.
hahas..i was about his height...lols
the whole workshop started off with ice- breaker game. hahas.
ppl were to get punishment for losing.
jolene was so good in the game tat i lose to her can hab to go for the punishment.
EW!! is so awful.. hahas..
Rui you lost too.. so we do the "actions" together..
this is how it goes...Ernest say a action and we hab to follow.. so first...he goes..."put ur hands up, palm together. and goes shaking down". lols. so embarrasing!!!..
this is onli the first stage...the second stage is".....palm together, chest out and shaking down". third stage"....chest out, butt out and shaking down." hahas and the final one..."....butt out, tongue out and shaking down"...OMG!!...hahas...i can imagine how i look like from far...I SUCK!!..
we go for recess and den after tat start a new topic...presenter was still Ernest.. hahas..
after the whole thing, he call us to stay back and take photo. this is the first tyme the whole klass are in a picture other than class photo... it was so lovely...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
today was super slack. the whole day didn't hab any proper lesson...
tml will be another day of slacking.
whole day motivation talk.
the day after tml are going around woodlands to gather newspaper and clothes.
should be very tired.hahs.
i hope tat it will be fun!...hee...
another good thing...
all the testes are postpone due to the CIP thingy and the TALK!.. YEAH YEE!!!...
after this week will be march holiday...shedule is out...
Monday:Band Practise 8:30am - 12pm
Chem Mock Exam(timing not confirm)
Tuesay:Band Practise same timing.
Thursday: Band Practise 8:30am - 12pm
A maths Test 10am - 10:45am
Biology Lesson 11am -1pm
yeah BUSY!!...
hahs. shall end here. byes.
today was super slack. the whole day didn't hab any proper lesson...
tml will be another day of slacking.
whole day motivation talk.
the day after tml are going around woodlands to gather newspaper and clothes.
should be very tired.hahs.
i hope tat it will be fun!...hee...
another good thing...
all the testes are postpone due to the CIP thingy and the TALK!.. YEAH YEE!!!...
after this week will be march holiday...shedule is out...
Monday:Band Practise 8:30am - 12pm
Chem Mock Exam(timing not confirm)
Tuesay:Band Practise same timing.
Thursday: Band Practise 8:30am - 12pm
A maths Test 10am - 10:45am
Biology Lesson 11am -1pm
yeah BUSY!!...
hahs. shall end here. byes.
Get Burn By Diluted Acid
was having chem practical yesterday.
test tube slip and broke off. the acid burn my hand. ew...having a feeling of itcyness and abit warm. hahs.
okays. thats all...
Comments For CHR Band Practise.
lots of ppl say we sucks.feel so...arrgh dont know how to say.. but i believe miracle does happen...
was having chem practical yesterday.
test tube slip and broke off. the acid burn my hand. ew...having a feeling of itcyness and abit warm. hahs.
okays. thats all...
Comments For CHR Band Practise.
lots of ppl say we sucks.feel so...arrgh dont know how to say.. but i believe miracle does happen...
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