Pictures time. hee...spend lots of time with these...lols..
this is all minor things tat happen in my life tat make mi happy. hahs...
*out of boredom drew this...i think is during PHYSIC Lesson...
*vivienne drew this. hahas...cute huh??
*sunday wento to haroobee to work.. saw my friend's drawings..
so cool!!!...the onces below too!!!....
*i love this wonderfully done...NEAR TO PERFECT!
*she finishes this and say she did the colour wrongly...
is dere anything wrong???I CAN'T SEE IT!!!!...
*went to library and saw dino...
secretly took a one knows...heehee

*this is so long ago...hahas...i think is at my aunt's birthday...or other chalet??
*the seond day of the chinese new year went to my grandma's sister hus to hab dinner...
her dog,Rasin.i saw this and remind mi of SHORTIE...i miss her!!!....

*keng's birthday went to causeway...took this photo.
*HAMSTER...heehee...lijun's one...this is call cookie...
*this is cream.hahas...the name matches their fur colour...
*i forgot when this is taken...but is cute!! upload it.. hahs.

*Yeanlin and mi..hahs...took it on kengs bitrthday too.

*this too...same day...and this is Seri..
*Ting feng's birthday...hmmm...forgot when it is...but his cake is super nice!!!...
making wish now..
*say Cheese!!...
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