Sunday, November 05, 2017


Do you feel blessed in this world? Do you feel that things always go against your wish? Are you happy with your life? Are you contented?

I am contented with my life. I am in a happy relationship, I have great parents, siblings whom sometimes makes me wanna kill myself yet they are also awesome in their ways; a job that pays the bills. To be honest, I love my life. Does being contented makes me want to stop improving?

Many believe that discontentment is the main driver for improvement. I, however, beg to differ. Well, it is obvious that if you feel discontented, there must be something that needs to be improved. However what follows closely with discontentment is unhappiness. I believe in being happy with every decision I make. However, one should never stop making themselves better. Unhappiness should  not be the only driver for improvement. One should never stop improving because you have no idea what your limits are. 

Be happy yet strive for the better. One day, you will be proud of what you've achieved in this life. 

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