Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Went jogging this morning. had a bad night. Dad keep scolding us for eat the food that is prepared for new year guest. say that if we open it, the food will go bad. blah blah blah. At that point of time i have so mani OS in me, but no one to hear. suddenly thought that if i have a boyfriend, isn't it good? at least have someone to hear mi. but suan le. lols. i think i'm getting weak. keep having these thoughts.

I guess i've straighten my thoughts in the few mins of run. I, Ho Yin Jie, do not need a man. I'll do everything on my own. and if i need someone to talk to, i'll write it here. (: cheers.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

真想快些长大,快找到一个我能真心对待,他也能真心对我的人。嫁出去就算了。或是有能力可以有自己的房子。不想再和会破坏我心情的人住在一起。烦死了。一个神经病的已足还多来一个不会看人脸色的死人。有够气的。突然有种“如果有男朋友,那该多好" 的想法。我真的疯了。没人会愿意听我哭诉,只好来这里发泄。还有三年!我就成为大人了。加油。多三年罢了,我能撑过去的。