Monday, April 16, 2012




Monday, April 09, 2012

dots dots

人不都说明天会更好吗? 怎么我的明天好像越过越没光?昨晚我印映机宣告死亡。但也还没查出死亡原因。 只知道昨晚要它为我服务时, 白是它唯一知道的颜色。在这个紧要关头,面对着无穷的压力下, 它既然没能陪我走完考试的路途。靠,我还真想把它给丢了。算了算了,反正今天晚上就是要给它动手术。 希望它能死而复活。 也该停止我这永无止境的牢骚了。

P.S 我还是相信我的明天 会更好!!!

Friday, April 06, 2012

March Update!

12th March 2012, daddy's birthday celebration! We had dinner at Jack's place, one of our favorite restaurant.  We gave our dad a surprise "cow" cake after dinner as dessert. He was shocked! this proved our surprise success. Hurray! (:

 Fire steak he ordered covered his face with smoke!!

 Cute cow cake. Vanilla sponge cake.
 March 2012, belated celebration for our 2nd anniversary. A piggy massager as present!! Love this cute little thing. Notice his under size shirt? thats cos his body is too long!
 Custom make Agar jelly Cai Yan. Not a big fan of cai yan but this is so lovely! I ate 1/4 of it.There goes my dieting.

Multi-layer-coloured jelly!