Thursday, November 09, 2017


什么是女人?女人是一种很奇妙的动物。她们明知道是深坑也一定要栽下去。 因为,你没尝试你就不会发觉其中的可能。 
在一段感情里,人人都想做那个他爱你多过你爱他,但又有多少人有这个福气呢? 在爱的另一端,他是否也如此渴望?爱还能接下去吗?


渴望,失望,孤独是我认为最可怕的感受。 你可以强颜欢笑但不可以隐藏心里的孤独,失落。 渴望是失望的燃烧点也是欢喜的交界处。 有了渴望就像走在钢丝上,钢丝慢慢的往上蔓延。 越是向前,兴奋与欢喜就越加倍。相对的当我们不甚跌落时,失望也会掩盖我们,让我们喘不过气. 最后只能慢慢的,渐渐的失去自我。 失望的代价远比最终得到的成就大太多。于是我便走向自我关闭的道路,不再有希望跟渴望。 但越是想逃避,人生越是想把你拉回啦。无奈,只能向前让渴望,期望,失望占据我的人生。

P.S 没期望,没渴望, 就不会失望

Sunday, November 05, 2017


Do you feel blessed in this world? Do you feel that things always go against your wish? Are you happy with your life? Are you contented?

I am contented with my life. I am in a happy relationship, I have great parents, siblings whom sometimes makes me wanna kill myself yet they are also awesome in their ways; a job that pays the bills. To be honest, I love my life. Does being contented makes me want to stop improving?

Many believe that discontentment is the main driver for improvement. I, however, beg to differ. Well, it is obvious that if you feel discontented, there must be something that needs to be improved. However what follows closely with discontentment is unhappiness. I believe in being happy with every decision I make. However, one should never stop making themselves better. Unhappiness should  not be the only driver for improvement. One should never stop improving because you have no idea what your limits are. 

Be happy yet strive for the better. One day, you will be proud of what you've achieved in this life.