Thursday, October 27, 2011


I had this little problem of having loose stools every other day. The first time I had it was about 1.5 years ago? or slightly longer. Anyway, I found out that my body don't seem to digest some of the food I take. That day I was working, felt a sudden pain or contract like feeling in my stomach, went to toilet and as the liquid stools came out, a papaya smell accompanied with it. I took a look and saw my stools were orange and disgusting. Conclusion, the papaya I ate the previous day wasn't digested and came out like how it was chewed. 

I went to a specialist and it cost me $75 if I am not wrong. Anyway, the doctor told me there can only be two possibilities. 1) bacteria in my intestine depleted hence not enough microbes to help digest the food. 2) Cancer. He added that for my age cancer is not possible. I understand why he said that because for cancer to occur, mutations must happen. And mutations came with exposure of carcinogenic stuff and usually takes time for mutation to occur. Therefore, it can only be the first reason. I tried taking Yakult after that but I guess it doesn't help. Constipation still occur, loose stools released every other day. I didn't go back for more consultations with the doctor. First is money, second is no willing to. 

Recently, I tried to stop eating chilli. And I guess this helps. At least now I experience some solid stools now and then. But I simply love chilli too much! How can someone survive without chilli? it whet's one appetite. I have to stop! Just now, i had loose stools again. I msg Nigel and he is like super duper concern about it. That makes me wonder, i told him this situation before and he cared no less. Why suddenly this reaction? I told him about the money issue and cancer and bacteria. I guess all he heard was the money and cancer. So he offered to lend me and then ask me to go check up tml. Arrgh. I have my principles! and the first one says, NO BORROWING of money!. yeah, and I don't intend to break it in near future. Till now, I still haven't reply his " Go tml". One shouldn't take life or death too seriously. I can't predict the future, and therefore I feel that if its time for me to go, I will have to go. Nothing is gonna stop it. 

Such a pessimistic person. Yeah. And I agree to it. Next year I will go for the check up. Not because of cancer. But because cleaning up my backside after the loose stools are simply too irritating! lols. 

Goodnights babe. 

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